FIVE-The One Where Janice Cheats

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[ok why is she just so ADORABLE]

At Chandler and Joey's apartment, Millie sat down with Joey watching Baywatch. "You know, you could be a lifeguard, Millie." Joey smirked over to her, Millie giggled and shaking her head. "Joey, just keep dreaming, sweet cheeks." Millie joked, Joey laughed, taking a bite of pizza.

Chandler walked in seeing his best friends, he smiled. "Ello," He said, hanging up his jacket, going over sitting beside Millie, "Oh pizza." He grabbed a slice, stretching the cheese into his mouth. "Where have you been, stud?" Millie wondered, Chandler just shrugged.

"I was going to go see Janice, but she wasn't home." Chandler explained to her, Millie's face fell, she just nodded slowly, sipping her coke. "I-I'm sorry, Chan.." She muttered slowly, Chandler glanced over at her, admiring her features, feeling somewhat guilty on how he felt towards her because he was with Janice.

"You-you know her birthday is coming up, I should go out and find her something." Chandler brought up, "Joey you should go with me." Joey looked over, his mouth full of pizza, Millie just tried to focus her attention on the TV, feeling jealously rise up in her. Even though, she was kind of seeing, Ethan, but they haven't made it official yet.

"Do you wanna come Mil?" Chandler asked, Joey groaned, standing up, grabbing her jacket. "No-no, I am fine, I will just finish Baywatch." She muttered to him, he just slightly nodded, handing her the remote. Millie wrapped herself up in the blanket, Joey kissed her forehead, as the two boys left the apartment.

Millie groaned, throwing the remote, adjusting her sweatshirt that hung loosely from her body. Millie wished that the feeling would go away, maybe moving on with Ethan would help, she questioned to herself. What could possibly help her? She was at a lost at this point.

She wanted to be with Chandler, she wanted Chandler Bing..


Millie walked into her apartment, throwing her mail down, going to her room to change out of her work clothes. Her phone started to ring, she ran while throwing her shirt over her head. "Hello." She mumbled, struggling to throw her shirt over her head

. "Hey Mil, it's Jo! What are you doing?" Joey asked her, Millie laughed, fixing her hair, sitting down on her couch.


She then heard a running down the hallway, seeing Joey run in, she threw the phone down, turning to him. "Really Joey!" She said, Joey just smirked, putting the phone down, she rolled her eyes playfully. "What did you need, sweetie?" She asked him, sitting back down on the couch. He came over, sitting down beside her, sighing softly.

"Janice cheated on Chandler." He spilled out, Millie gasped, covering her mouth in shock. "Oh God," She muttered, removing her hand from her mouth, "Does he know?" Joey nodded, pointing over to his apartment. "He is talking to her right now." He explained to her, Millie's face filled with sadness.

"I feel so bad for him."

How have you been doing?" He asked her, knowing her Millie felt. She just shrugged, playing with her sleeves on her shirt. "I-I just have been trying to get along ever since-" She paused for a moment, "Will Janice even be in the picture after this?" Joey just shrugged, Millie laid on Joey's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. "When Janice leaves, go talk to him," He told her, "He would love to have you over there."

Millie nodded, pushing her glasses up since she was out of contacts for that week. "Thank you Joey, for everything." She mumbled, kissing her forehead, she just sighed, hearing the door slam outside, knowing it was coming from Chandler's apartment.



Millie knocked slightly on the door to Joey and Chandler's apartment, she didn't hear anything but she entered, seeing Chandler sitting on the kitchen counter. "Hey sweetie, I heard what happened." She told him, he just nodded, she headed over to him, sitting beside him on the counter.

"I-I just can't believe she would cheat on me." He mumbled, her ran his fingers through his hair, he just stared over at her. "Mil, I don't understand," He started, her glasses slowly slipped off her nose, "Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough?"

"Chandler, you are great," She told him, he just smiled, "You-you deserve so much, I hope you can see that." Chandler pushed up her glasses, she laughed, causing him to laugh. Millie was so glad to see him actually laughing, being happy. "I am glad to see you smile." She stated to him, he blushed slightly.

"It's easier with you here."

Millie blushed slightly, laying her head on his shoulder, he just closed his eyes, laying his head on the cabinet above him. "Thank you Mil, I am glad you are here." He whispered softy, she turned to him slowly, their faces inches away from each other.

She slowly leaned in, her eyes moved from his eyes to his plump lips. "I-I-um," She stuttered softly, clearing her throat turning away, he slowly threw his head down, "I am glad that I could be." He slowly turned away, he actually thought she was gonna kiss him, he felt so stupid.

The two sat in silence for a moment, just staring off into space, Millie broke the silence. "How-how about a movie?" She asked him, he nodded, helping her off the counter, the two headed over for the couch, he searched in the movie drawer, while she sat on the couch, "Do you think, do you think I will ever find the right woman?" He asked her, Millie just looked at him up and down.


"How come, how come have I had not had her yet? Would anyone even like me that beautiful?" Chandler asked Millie, Millie thought he was referring to Janice but he was referring to her. Chandler couldn't get his mind off her, all he wanted was her. He knew no woman could be like her, she was perfect to him, even her flaws. The way her glasses would slip off her nose when her contax where out, her goofy laugh with her beautiful smile, the way they would joke around with each other, how her hair would hang down her forehead, and how her green eyes shined.

He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, how much he took her breath away.

"Chandler, if they didn't like you, they would be stupid," She explained to him, "She is out there somewhere." Chandler knew she was, the woman for him was out there.

And she was right in front of him.


okay, so the chapters have changed, I updated them in SEASON THREE column. BUT they are down below as well.
ONE- The One Where They Move On
TWO- The One With Millie's Date
THREE- The One With Phoebe's Brother
FOUR-The One With The Flashback
FIVE-The One Where Janice Cheats
SIX-The One With The Football.
SEVEN- The One With the Break.
EIGHT- The One With the Chick and Duck
NINE- The One Where Millie tells The Girls
TEN- The One With the Beach Trip


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