twenty-The One With Millie's Boobies

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Millie was in her room gathering her work clothes as she headed towards her shower. Millie turned on her shower as her shower head popped off. "Great..." she mumbled to herself grabbing her clothes and towel heading over to Monica's and Rachel's.

"Hey Mon, can I use your shower? Mine broke and Ryan left early for work." Millie asked Monica as she was making coffee as she smiled nodding towards Millie as she went to go get a shower. Monica finished fixing coffee as Rachel came out of her room.

"Hey Mon, who is in the shower?" Rachel asked Monica as she was getting coffee cups down. "Millie, her shower broke," She told her, "Ryan left early for work this morning."

"Oh yeah, isn't his play next week?" Rachel asked Monica as she was pouring cereal as she nodded. Rachel sat down at the kitchen table as Monica handed her some coffee. Chandler walked in as Monica gave him some coffee.

Chandler headed towards the fridge, getting food out as Millie came out with a towel around her and drying herself with another towel. "Millie, Chandler is here!" Rachel yelled as Chandler peeked over the fridge seeing Millie in a towel as Millie jumped her towel fell as she then snatched the rug off the couch.


"I-I did not know you take showers here!" He yelled as Millie held the rug close to her.

"When two friends, who are women may I state," Millie yelled as she pointed at Chandler with her free hand, "WOMEN! You make sure none of them are naked!" Chandler looked her up and down. "Eyes up here Mister!" She yelled as Monica hit the back of his head as he snapped out of it.

"Can I just say one thing?" Chandler asked Millie as she rose an eyebrow already aggravated at him.


"That's a relatively open weave and I can till see your.. nipular areas." Chandler said pointing as Millie groaned running back to the bathroom.

At Central Perk everyone expect Joey but also including Phoebe's boyfriend, Roger. "Oh, honey, tell them the story about your patient who thinks things are, like other things. Like the phone rings and she takes a shower."

"That's pretty much it." He said to her as Phoebe mumbled, "Oops."

"Thanks, okay, now go away so we can talk about you." Phoebe said as he got up walking away as she turned back to her friends. "Isn't he great?" She asked them. "He is great, and he seems to like you." Rachel said smiling at her. "I know, I know, So sweet, and so complicated," Phoebe said, "And for a shrink, he is not too shrink, y'know?"

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