eight-The One With The Interview

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"Anybody special in your life?"

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"Anybody special in your life?"


At Central Perk, Chandler, Monica, Millie, Rachel, and Phoebe are there sitting around talking as Joey came in holding a letter. "Hey, hey, check it out, guess what I got!" Joey said excitedly as he held up the letter at everyone sitting around the couch.

"Rhythm?" Chandler asked sarcastically as Joey ignored him. "No, my first fan mail." Joey said as everyone clapped, congratulating him.

Joey sat between Rachel and Monica as he opened up his letter as Monica started to read it, "Dear Dr. Remore, know that I love you and would do anything to have you.' Gosh. 'Your not-so-secretive admirer, Erica Ford.' Ooh wait, 'PS enclosed please find 14 of my eyelashes."

"Ya know, in a crazy world, that means your married." Rachel said pointing at the letter as everyone just nodded. "This is from the apartments, Joe." Millie told him, examining the envelope.

Ross entered with a suitcase as everyone turned to him. "Ooh, where are you traveling?" Phoebe asked Ross as he sat his suit case down.

"Well, there's this, uh, paleontology conference in L.A. so I figured I'd go and thendrive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel." Ross told the group about his trip he was going on. Millie looked at her watch as she grabbed her bag.

"Well, I have a job interview today, hopefully I will get it." Millie said as everyone wished her luck. "Where at?" Chandler asked as she turned from opening the entrance door form Central Perk.  "At an art studio, maybe they will take one of my pieces." Millie told as everyone said,

"Good luck!"


Millie looked up at the glass building, holding up her bag they held her piece. She gulped as she has never been in an art studio like this. Millie opened the glass door going in as art was around her and a front desk with a woman sitting their doing paper work.

"Um, hello," She said as the woman looked up, smiling as Millie smiled back, "I-I have a meeting with Mr. Tanner." The woman opened a binder looking down as she nodded.

"His office is down the hall to the right, he is free, just knock on his door." The woman said as Millie thanked her as she headed towards the office. Millie knocked on the door as the man told her to 'come in.'

Millie opened to see a handsome man sitting at his desk, looking up at her. "Woah," Millie said as the door shut behind her, she jumped, realizing what she just said, "I-I mean, hi, I am Millie Copper." The man stood up holding out his hand as she shook his hand, he motioned for her to sit down.

"Well, Ms. Copper, I am Mr. Tanner, I am so excited to get to know you and the piece you have picked out." He said as Millie nodded opening the bag pulling out the piece as he too the piece examining it.

"Now, may I ask what this piece is about?" He asked her as she nodded, clearing her throat. "It's about a girl, who is alone, a-a person had broke her heart, and she can't chose who she should love." Millie said as Mr. Tanner looked up as he smiled, examining the painting again.

Millie examined her surroundings as he focused in on her painting. The room was a pale white color, as their was paintings around his room, filled with plants and other things.

"Well, I really like this," he said sipping his coffee, "But before I decide anything, I wanna know more about you." Millie nodded as she just smiled. "Would you like anything do drink?" He asked her as Millie shook her head.

"Well, tell me about yourself." He said as Millie's face fell as she thought for a moment. "There's not-not a lot to know about me," She told him as she thought,  "I have been in New York for about two years now, I live in an apartment, have always been interested in art."

Mr. Tanner nodded as he leaned back in his chair. "Anybody special in your life?" He asked her as she thought for a moment, why was she thinking?

"Um-not anymore." She told him as he smiled at her. "Is there anything else you need to know, Mr. Tanner?" She asked him as he leaned forward.

"Please call me Kyle." He said smiling causing Millie to blush. "I would like to discuss more of this over lunch." He said as she nodded as he handed back on her piece, "if you agree,  I would like to see more of your pieces." Millie smiled as she nodded picking up her things.

"Just meet me at the office Thursday at 12." He told her as she left the building.


Millie walked into Monica and Rachel's apartment as everyone was there expect Ross. "Hey Mil, how did it go?" Rachel asked her as Millie sat her bag down. "I think it went well, he wants to take me to lunch to discuss more." Millie said helping Monica get plates down for dinner.

"Oooh, was he cute?" Phoebe asked as the two boys groaned, not wanting to listen to girl talk. Millie just shrugged, smirking. "He was cute, but I am not ready for a relationship right now," She said as Millie sat down beside the boys, "I really kind of think he just wants to carry me to lunch not even discuss my work."

"What makes you say that?" Joey asked turning to her as Millie just shrugged. "He seemed more interesting in me than the painting," Millie said as Chandler comfort her.

"Awe honey, I hope that is not it." Monica said getting supper ready. "It's like every time, I get a piece of hope, a guy just wants me for my body or good looks or what ever I have." Millie said as Chandler looked over at her,

"You have a lot to offer, Mil, way other than that." Chandler told her as Joey agreed. "He is right, but you do have a nice a** though." Joey said, smirking as the girls just groaned as Millie laughed.

"Thank you, Chandler and Joey."


Thursday at Central Perk, everyone is there sitting around as Millie walked in. "I was right!" Millie said throwing her piece down as she sat on the couch, "He was using me, he never even looked at my pieces." Millie groaned as Rachel comfort her.

"Awe, Mil, we are so sorry." Rachel said as she smiled at everyone. "There a job offer at my job for a secretary for my boss, I could see what I can do." Chandler said to her as she smiled at him. "Chandler, you do a lot for me, you don't have to-"

"I want too, it might be fun us working together." Chandler said to her as she smiled, nodding, thanking him.

"Well, I tracked down Marcel and get this he is healthy and happy," Ross told the group about his trip, "he is right here in New York filming Out-Break II-The Virus Takes Manhattan." Everyone smiled as the were excited.

"That is amazing!" Joey said to him as he just smiled, "I finally get a part on TV and the monkey's makin' movies."

"Well, I am excited to be on a set!" Millie said as everyone else was excited as well.


Do you think Millie has moved on from Ryan?

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