five- The One With Millie's Parents

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"Hello Darling

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"Hello Darling."


Millie sat in Chandler and Joey's apartment, curled up into a blanket watching a movie. She had really no idea what it was about but it was something on and the boys were not there so she had nothing to do.

"Hey Mil, sorry I am late for a movie night-" Chandler walked in looking over at her as he could hear her crying, "Millie, are you okay?" Chandler walked over to her sitting beside her.

"My parents are coming into town.." she mumbled as his face fell, "this week has been the worst.. so much has happened..."Chandler saw the hurt in her eyes as he opened his arms as she wrapped her arms around him laying on his chest.

"My parents were right." She mumbled as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"What do you mean?" He asked her.

"About me, I should have went to college, not been a disappointed daughter to the family name."

"Your not that, Mil. Far from that," He told her, "You are a 22 years old, trying to get your life back together. You have me, Joey, Monica, Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe. You also have your aunt and brother. People who support you, have you seen your art! One day your gonna have this big perfect life, be famous, have love, and we are going to be so happy for you."

Millie looked up from his chest as he smiled at her as she gave him a weak smile back as he kissed the top of her forehead.

"Chandler.." she mumbled as he looked back down at her. "Thank you, for always being her for me, being-being my best-" Millie paused for a moment, "My best friend." He smiled as he nodded.


"And by the way Mil." Millie looked up at him, "I will help you find a new job.."


The next day, Millie returned from work heading over to Monica and Rachel's. Millie opened to door as Rachel was jumping up and down, "Millie! Hurry get in here!" Rachel said as Millie dropped her stuff running over.

"Don't start without me!" Monica said grabbing the wine and glasses running over as well.

"Ross kissed me!" Rachel squealed as the girls started to scream, jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Monica said, clapping as Millie just hugged Rachel. " It was unbelievable!" Rachel said covering her mouth just thinking about the kiss she had with Ross.

"Ok, all right, let's hear about the kiss. Was it like, was it like a soft brushagainst your lips? Or was it like a, you know, a "I gotta have you now" kind ofthing?" Phoebe asked Rachel as Monica start to pour the girls wine.

"Well, at first it was really intense, you know. And then, oh, god, and then wejust sort of sunk into it." Rachel said describing the kiss as the girls squealed again. "Like where was his hands, your back or hips?" Millie asked as Rachel just smiled, blushing.

"No, actually first they started on my waist. And then, they slid up, and then,they were in my hair." Rachel said as the girls 'awed.'


At Chandler and Joey's, Ross is there with the boys as he is hung up about the Rachel and Julie situation.

"I don't know what to do. What am I gonna do? I mean, this, this is like acomplete nightmare." Ross said groaning as the two boys looked at each other. Millie walked in as the boys looked at her as she had pizza for them. "Oh, Millie, you are a girl!" Ross said heading over to her as she laid the pizza down.

"Good job Ross, how'd you guess?" Millie asked sarcastically as his face fell. "I-I really need help with Rachel and Julie.." he mumbled as she nodded heading over to the three boys.

"Do you boys have any ideas?" Millie asked as Chandler and Joey shared a look. "Oh, I know." Chandler said, "This must be so hard. Oh, no. Two women love me. They're bothgorgeous and sexy. My wallet's too small for my fifties, and my diamond shoes are tootight."

Millie shot him a look as Joey grabbed the computer, "Hey, here's a thought, Ross," Joey said handing it to Ross, "Threesome." Ross shot him an insulted look as Chandler said,

"Ok, all right, look. Let's get logical about this, ok?" Chandler said, stating his idea, "We'll make a list. Racheland Julie, pros and cons. Oh. We'll put their names in bold, with different fonts, and Ican use different colors for each column."

Millie's mouth parted as she shook her head, "I-I don't think that is a good idea," Millie said as the boys looked at her, "I mean, just think about it. Who makes you happier-"

"Ok, let's start with the cons, 'cause they're more fun. All right, Rachel first." Joey said interrupting her as Millie mouth parted. "Okay fine, you guys have fun!" Millie said leaving just shaking her head at the boys.


At Central Perk Millie, Chandler, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe were there as they were talking about Rachel finding the list after they just got together. "I told you guys it was a bad idea." Millie said to Chandler and Joey as they just huffed.

"My diary! My diary, that's brilliant. I should have told her it was my diary, shenever would have made me read her my diary." Chandler said thinking of that idea.

"You have a diary?" Millie asked as he just shook his head. " I... I cannot believe Ross even made this list. What a dinkus." Phoebe said as Millie told her, "Give him some slack it was Chandler's idea."

The two girls shot him a look as he gave Millie a death glare as she just smiled at him.

" All right, let's get some perspective here, ok? These things, theyhappen for a reason." Chandler said trying to stand up for himself.

"Yeah, you!" Monica yelled as Chandler hid behind Millie on the couch as she just rolled her eyes playfully.

"All right, Pheebs, back me up here, ok? You believe in that karma crap, don'tyou?" Chandler asked her, still hiding behind Millie.

"Yeah, by the way, good luck in your next life as a dung beetle."


Millie was in her apartment as she just got off the phone with Ross as she gave Ross the idea to do something sweet for Rachel, like a song on the radio. She was cleaning her apartment as there was a knock at the door.

"Joey you don't have to knock for food-"

Millie opened up to see her parents as her face fell,

"Hello darling."

So this chapter started off slow and just a fill in, but the ending😊✌️

Next chapter will be Millie's b-day again around Christmas time!

Question:What do you think is gonna happen in the next chapter?

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