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04The One with The Aunt

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The One with The Aunt


Still at Monica and Rachel's apartment Rachel was still looking for her engagement ring. "Easy Rach, we will find it!" Monica said as she looked at everyone in the room, "Right?" "Yeah!" They all said in sync. "Where did you have it last?" Joey asked her. "Doy! Probably right before she lost it!" Phoebe said as Millie and Chandler shared a look at each other. "You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days.." Chandler said sarcastically. "I know I had it this morning, and I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with-" Rachel said as she paused for a moment glancing in the kitchen.


Rachel looks at the lasagna and realizes something, "Oh, don't be mad.."

"You didn't?" Monica asked as she walked over to Rachel. "Oh, I am sorry.." Rachel apologized. "I gave you one job," Monica said as she examined the lasagna through the bottom of it. "Oh, but look how straight those noodles are!" Rachel said as Monica shot her a glare. "Now, Monica," Chandler said, "You know that's not how you look for an engagement ring in lasagna."

Millie grabbed a fork as Chandler smirked at her pointing at her. "Millie gets it!" Chandler stated, "Boys? We're going in!" Phoebe, Millie, Joey, and Chandler picked through the lasagna as there was a knock at the door in which Monica answered. Ross stood there for a moment, "hi.." He mumbled. "Wow, that is not a happy hi!" Monica said as Ross walked in. "Carol is pregnant." Millie choked on the lasagna coughing a little as some of it was still in her mouth, "-What!?" Chandler looked over at her furrowing his eyebrows, "That's very attractive.." He said sarcastically as Millie just gave him a death glare as his face fell as he patted her head turning to Ross before she had any time to strike back.

"OH! I found it!" Phoebe said.

Everyone glared at her as they turned to Ross. "Yeah, do that for another two hours you might be where I am right now." Ross mumbled. "Kinda puts the whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?" Chandler asked. "Well, now, how-how do you fit into this whole thing?" Rachel asked Ross.

"Well," Ross started, "Carol says she and Susan want me to be involved, but if I am not comfortable with it, I don't have to be, it's entirely up to me." "What does she mean by 'involved'?" Monica asked. "I mean the biggest part of your job is done Rossy!" Millie said adding a new nickname for Ross and the end as Ross shot her a glare. "Anyways... they want me to go down to this- sonogram thing with them tomorrow." Ross told the group. "So what are you gonna do?" Rachel asked him. "I have no idea," Ross said, "No matter what I am still gonna be a good father." Joey starts to eat the rest of the lasagna as everyone turns to stare at him. "Well, this is still ruined right?" He asked Millie rolled her eyes playfully. "I have work tomorrow, my first day so I am going to head over to the apartment!" Millie said as she left as everyone said goodbye to her.

Millie walked into Joey and Chandler's apartment as she went to her suitcase gathering clothes up for a shower laying out her work clothes as the phone ringed in the apartment. "Hello.." She smiled. "Yes, is this Ms. Cooper?" The person on the other line said. "Yes this is she?" She said laying her clothes down on the counter playing with the cord. "The moving truck should be their by tomorrow around 3 I should say." They said. "Thank you so much!" Millie said hanging up the phone gathering her clothes as Chandler walked in. "Who was that?" He asked her. "The moving truck said they would be here tomorrow, I gave them your house number since I don't have one yet." Millie said as Chandler rose an eyebrow. "How did you get it?" He asked her.


"He knows it?" He asked her and himself as she laughed rolling her eyes playfully. "I am going to go get a shower." She told as Chandler nodded as she walked into the bathroom. "Make sure to take the clear curtain off and put the other one up!" Chandler told her. Millie peaked out of the bathroom. "Why I haven't done it-" She paused for a moment as Chandler gave her a look as she sighed nodding. "Joey, got ya!" She said shutting the door.


Everyone was at Central Perk sitting around. "What time do you have to leave for work?" Rachel asked Millie as she looked at her watch. "I got a few minutes." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "Your folks are really that bad, huh?" Joey asked Ross. "Well, y'know these people are pros. They know what they are doing." Ross said. "Boy, I know they say you can't change your parents, boy.. if you could-" Monica said as she looked at Ross, "I'd want yours." "Parents can be real bad.." Millie mumbled crossing her legs. "Yeah, you never told us the full story about that." Monica said turning to look at her. "They basically shut me out after saying I don't wanna be a doctor," Millie said, "They want nothing to do with me, they don't support me."

"What about your brother?" Chandler asked. "Oh, he does, he helps me out a lot but does not tell mom and dad." Millie explained. "Must go pee!" Ross said running to the bathroom. "Y'know it's even more worse when you're twins." "You are a twin?" Rachel asked. "Yeah we don't speak. She is like this high-powered driven career type." Phoebe said. "What does she do?" Chandler asked.

"She is a waitress."

"Chandler you are the only child right?" Millie asked. "Well, no, although I did have an imaginary friend who.. my parents actually preferred." Chandler said as Millie rubbed his arm for comfort. "Is your brother a doctor?" Monica asked. "Yeah, he actually wanted to be y'know, we always used to play doctor together y'know.." Millie mumbled, "I was actually the favorite being the youngest until I was 10 painting took me in. That's all I wanted to do, I dreamed of it owning my own studio."

"What did your parents say?" Monica asked.

"They said if I walked out that door and not do what I am supposed to do, never come back, never speak to us again, your not our child anymore." She mumbled, "And- Oh I got to go." Millie said looking at her watch. "I will see you guys tonight." Millie said as she left. "What do you think Millie has been through?" Rachel asked pouring everyone their coffee. "Probably a whole lot she hasn't told us." Monica said sitting back into the sofa, "Or we don't even know if she will tell us." "I just wish we could meet them y'know say our few words." Chandler said as Joey nodded. "What would you say?" Phoebe asked.

Chandler paused for a moment, "That is not a way to treat her."

"Well your parents treated you that way well in a different way." Monica said as he nodded. "Yeah well me it's different, way different." Chandler mumbled. Ross came out as he told the group, "Alright guys.. wish me luck.." He mumbled.

"Good luck!"

"Alright I have to get back to work!" Rachel said going behind the bar.


Millie walked into the bank as the boss, Nicole Timber came out. "Hello Ms. Cooper." She said greeting her as Millie smiled shaking her hand. "Thank you for this job Aunt Nicole." Millie said smiling. "You are welcome sweetie.." She smiled. "Come on I will show you where you will be working." She said as Millie followed her. "If you ever need help with anything just let me know." She told her niece as she nodded. "How are you and Ryan?" She asked her. "Good, I hope, y'know it seems like everything is going good right now." Millie said. "That is so good darling.," Nicole told her, "I am very proud of you even though some people are not. You are going to get that studio." Millie smiled nodding sitting down in her work place as Nicole slid Millie's name tag into her place. "I will be training you so don't worry." She said as she laughed coming around to her.

"Just know I am your aunt here and your aunt outside work as well." Millie nodded.

"Alright let's get started."




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