FOUR- The One Where Ryan Calls

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A couple of weeks after the incident with Kathy and Chandler was finally dealt with. Joey and Kathy officially broke up, Millie and Chandler sat Chandler down to talk about it. Joey was hurt, of course, but he did it for his friends and for himself, he knew that he liked her and shouldn't have hurt her the same way he was hurt by her. 

Around that time, Millie put down her payment on the studio and the girls have been going up there with her a lot to paint and decorate. Also her brother, Tyler has officially moved to New York. He bought a studio there, about 20 minutes away from her apartment. 

Now at Monica and Rachel's, Monica, Rachel, and Chandler are there trying to throw cards into a vase. Millie walks in with hair overalls on and her hair in pigtails with paint on her body in which she had been doing a few touch ups at the studio. "Hi guys!" She smiled, Chandler turned to her as she sat in his lap, kissing his forehead, his hands laid on her thigh. 

"Did you touch up some spots?" Rachel asked, turning to her, Millie smiled. "Yeah, it is all coming together, I am so excited!" Millie squealed, the three smiled, very proud of their friend. 

Joey and Ross enter the apartment,  "Hey! You guys! Check it out, check it out!" Joey ran in, motioning to his outfit, he'swearing a blue blazer, "Guess which job I got." 

"I don't know, but Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black."

The group turned to Chandler stunned, Chandler sat there frozen, Millie snickered. "Ha! You said it wrong!" Millie said, he mocked her words, rolling his eyes. Chandler cleared his throat, changing the subject. "

"So what job did you get Joe?" Chandler questioned, Millie adjusted on his lap, playing with her hair. "Oh, ah, tour guide at the museum. Yeah, Ross got it for me." Joey smiled, Ross nodded. Rachel rose an eyebrow, in confusion.

 "Well, how can you be a tour guide, don't you have to be a dinosaurexpert or something?" Rachel questioned, as she turned father to face the two boys. "No, not really. They give you all the information, it's uh, it'slike memorizing a script." Joey told as he got into character, acting like a tour guide, "And on your left, you haveTyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore from the Jurassic period."

The girls smiled, "Good job Joey!" Ross cleared his throat, correcting Joey. "Uh actually Joey, it's the Cretaceous period." Joey snickered, shaking his head. " Yeah but, I can pronounce Jurassic." He muttered as Phoebe came in with excitement. 



"Guess what. Frank Jr., and Alice got married!" Phoebe said, as the friends faces fell in shock. "Wait what?" Millie coughing on her water that she was sharing with Chandler. "And! And, they're gonna have a baby!" Phoebe jumped up, everyone was in complete shock,"And!And, they want me to grow it for them in my uterus." The group went slient  as Joey cringed at the thought of a vision he just had. 

"You're really thinking about having sex with your brother?!" Joey asked, his face filled with disgust. "Joey, honey, that's not how it works." Millie muttered, rubbing her forehead. " Ewww! And," Phoebe paused for a moment as her voice changed, "Oh no!" It's—they just want me to be thesurrogate. It's her-it's her egg and her sperm, and I'm-I'm just theoven, it's totally their bun."

"Would you be willing to do that Phoebe?" Millie questioned, Phoebe sighed, she sat down at the kitchen table, shrugging her shoulders. "Well, I told them  that I had to think about it first, but what is there tothink about?" Phoebe questioned, smiling," I'm gonna be giving them the greatest gift you can possibly give."

"Well Phoebe, carrying a child is a real big deal," Millie explained to her, "It's like apart of you and you could get attached real fast, would you be willing for that?" Phoebe thought for a moment, Ross then got into the conversation,"Pheebs, you're talking about putting your body through an awful lot,I mean morning sickness, uhh, labor, and it's all for somebody else!"

"Yeah, what's your point?" 

Ross paused for a moment, mumbling softly, "What I just said." 

"Wow! I don't know if I could ever do that.: Rachel explained, adjusting in her seat, "I always figured thefirst time I had a baby was with somebody I love and that baby would be a...keeper."

Phoebe sighed, shaking her head, confronting her friends. " Y'know you guys were a lot more supportive when I wanted to make denimfurniture."  

"No, Pheebs, listen, if you decide to do this, we'll be supportivelike crazy." Joey told her, the rest of the group agreed. "Whether you choose to do it or not Pheebs, we will support you," Millie told her, "We are just telling you our mindset on it and want you to think it through." 

"Maybe talk to someone who has had a baby before like your mom." Rachel suggested, Phoebe thought for a moment. "My mom never gave birth." She paused for a moment, "Oh! But my birth mom did." 


At Chandler and Joey's place, Millie and Chandler are there, they were in his recliner. She was crawled up in his lap as his hands were placed on her butt, they were making out. "So, I was thinking.." Millie broke the kiss, looking him up and down, her hand traveling down his buttoned shirt, "We should go out tonight." Chandler smirked, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked her, she smiled, titling her head a little. "How about we get ready and go out to a bar," She smirked, "And come back to my place and have a little fun." Chandler smiled, "Sounds fun, a few drinks in our system, maybe try that thing you wanted to try.." He told her, she squealed getting up fast, heading over to the door.

"I am going to go get ready, I will be ready about 6." She told, heading back to her apartment. 

Millie walked in, heading to her room, laying out an outfit for her, Millie messed around with her hair in the mirror as her phone rang. She scurried to the living room, she smiled, hoping it was her brother, she was ready for him to start hanging out with the group. 


"Hey Mil.." 

Millie froze as she recognized the voice, she had not heard that voice in almost four years. "Oh-Um, Ryan?" Millie cleared her throat, he chucked, Millie was scared, she did not know why, she was wondering why he was calling her. "Yeah, probably wondering why I am calling." He said, Millie nodded, sitting down on her couch. 

"Well, I am in town with my wife, Chloe and I was wanting to maybe talk.." He mumbled, Millie scoffed, shaking her head, "Ryan look I am seeing someone else too okay? I am happy and I forgave you a long time ago for what you did, but I do not want to talk to you, okay?" She explained to him, axienity filled her body. 

"Mil, I have a problem and I need your help.." He told her, Millie sighed, shaking her head. "Ryan..  I am sorry, but-" She paused for a moment Ryan sighed, Millie felt a tear slip from her eye. 

"I am still in love with you.." 

Millie breath stopped, she shook her head, rubbing her forehead. "Ryan-I- you are married, I am in a great relationship right now," She told him, "And you hurt me, very bad." She couldn't even let him talk she hung up the phone, holding her head into her hands as Chandler came in.

"Hey Mil, I am ready-" He paused, heading over to her, "Mil are you okay?" 

She looked up, she smiled as he sat beside her. "Yeah everything is fine, just a headache that's all, I am going to go put clothes on." She said, running to her room. Chandler nodded, he felt like something was wrong, but did not question it.

Millie hoped Ryan would not try again.. 

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