seventeen- The One With the Birthday Party

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okay this chapter is kind of corny and weird to me lol buttt its okay!😂

Millie stood in her room in her dress for that evening she was spending with Ryan for her birthday

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Millie stood in her room in her dress for that evening she was spending with Ryan for her birthday. Millie was finally 22, and being the youngest in the group had its pros and cons. She heard Ryan walk through the door as she was putting her earrings in. "Well, hello there beautiful." Ryan smiled at Millie as she smiled at him as her loose curls fell to her back as she slipped her heels on. "I hope you like the dress, marron is your favorite color." She said as he nodded, kissing her cheek as she stood up, smiling. "Are you ready?" He asked her as she nodded.

"Don't forget, movie night at Monica's after."

He nodded opening the door for her as they went to their dinner.


At Monica and Rachel's they were decorating for Millie's surprise birthday party. Someone knocked on the door as Monica answered the door. "Hi!" Monica said as she did not know the girl. "Hi, I am Sandy." the girl said as Joey went up to her. "Sandy! Hi! C'mon in!" Joey said to her as the girl entered following a young boy and young girl, ".. you brought your kids."

"Yeah, that's okay, right? You said this was a birthday/party thing for someone.." She asked him as Joey and Monica shared a look and just shrugged. Ross entered with Marcel on his shoulder.


"That thing is not coming in here!" Monica told him, "This is a special event for all of us and especially Millie." "'That thing?'" Ross questioned his sister's statement, "Besides Millie likes him, did you see the way she acted the other day?" "Alright, just keep him away from me," Monica said as Tyler came into the apartment with cake. "I got the cake!" Tyler said as Joey turned slowly as he smiled at the cake. "Joey, do not think about it please!" Monica said hanging balloons up, "Red Velvet is Millie's favorite." Rachel then entered with her coat muddy and torn. Her hair was all messed up and her face was bruised. "Oh my gosh! Rachel! Honey-are you okay?" Monica asked her.

"Rome, Jerk missed his flight."

"And then? Your face is bloated?" Pheobe asked Rachel. "No, okay, I was at the airport getting into a cab," Rachel started her story, "When this woman- this blonde planet with a pocketbook- started to yell at me. Something about how it was her cab first. And then the next thing I know she starts to pull out my hair. She then tackles me when I try to get into the cab, and I hit my lip and- is Millie here yet?"

"No-no not yet, Ryan said they would be here at 8," Monica told her as Rachel nodded. "Come on, let's get you fixed up." Monica and Rachel go to Monica's bedroom to get ready as Chandler was getting plates down with Tyler. "THERE YOU ARE!" Janice said coming into the apartment as Tyler dropped the plates as Janice started to laugh, "You got away from me!" Chandler blinked a few times, "But you found me!" Phoebe turned to Chandler as she pointed at him to come here as Tyler started to clean up the plates. "Oh I am sorry, I seem to have the effect on people like that!" Janice told Tyler as he faked a laugh.

"Are you just noticing it?"

Chandler walked over to Phoebe as he asked her, "Yeah?"

"You invited her?" Phoebe asked as Chandler looked down nodding slowly. "Millie needed a quiet night Chandler." Chandler nodded as he started to apologize, "I know I am sorry, I just felt bad."


Millie and Ryan walked to Monica's apartment. Ryan opened the door for Millie as everyone yelled 'surprise.' Millie smiled as she turned to Ryan. "Happy Birthday, babe." He kissed her cheek as she went to hug everyone.

When she hugged Chandler, she heard Janice's laugh. She paused for a moment, breaking the hug staring at her. "Happy Birthday, Millie!" She said as Millie stepped on Chandler's toe. "Ow, ow, ow- I deserved that." He said rubbing his toe. "Janice! Nice-Nice to see you." She said hugging her as Ryan came over.

"Oh my God! What a hunk! You got a good one Millie," She laughed as Chandler's face fell, "Keep him on a leash." She purred like a cat as Ryan held in his laugh. "Well just have fun, Fun Bobby should be here in a few minutes!" Monica said as Millie hugged her brother. "Happy Birthday sis," He said as she just laughed. "Guess you met, Janice," she mumbled as he nodded. "I broke plates because of her.."

Millie rolled her eyes playfully as there was a knock at the door. "Hey everybody! It is Fun Bobby!" Monica yelled as everyone cheered as she opened the door.

"Hey sorry, I am late, my grandfather he--died two hours ago. But I-I-I could not get a flight out til' tomorrow so here I am!" Fun Bobby said in a depressed way. Joey walked up as he greeted Bobby, "Hey Fun Bobby! Woah! Who died?" He asked as he broke down crying as Millie hit him in the back of the head.


"It's gonna be an open casket, y'know, so at least, I will get to see him again." Fun Bobby said as everyone was listening to him on the verge of tears. Ross was taking Janice and Chandler's picture. "I am gonna blow this one up," Janice said, "I am gonna write 'Reunited' in glitter."

"Alright, Janice, that's it! Hey, Janice, when I invited you to this party I did not necessarily think that it meant that we-" Janice cut him off, "Oh, no. Oh, no." She said over and over again.

"I'm sorry you misunderstood."

"Oh my God, you listen to me, one of these is just gonna be your last chance with me." Janice runs off as Ross is still taking photos. "Oh, give me that thing!" Chandler said grabbing the camera from him.

Millie sat in the kitchen with her cake as she just got done opening her presents from everyone. Ryan went back to their apartment to rest up, Millie stayed to not be rude to Monica and the others. "Hey, you okay?" Chandler asked her sitting beside her. "No, now I am depressed from Bobby, reminding me that my parents are not here for my birthday once again," She said to him, "Then-then every year I am getting older and my dream for my studio, still not here." Chandler smiled as he took her hand.

"I have not given my present to you yet."

"Well, where is it?" She asked smiling as he snuck them two out of the apartment. "I left it here because I-I forgot it." She just laughed going into Chandler's apartment as he got the medium size box for her. "It's from me and Joey, well-"

Millie laughed nodding as she opened the box as she smiled. It was an art drawing book with a silver necklace that had an art symbol on it. "The necklace came with the book thingy." Millie laughed at his comment as she hugged Chandler. "Thank you, Chandler. I am going to go back to my apartment." Chandler kissed her forehead as she left the apartment with her gift.

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