thirteen-The One Where They Meet Millie [PART TWO]

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Millie was in her hotel getting ready for her "date." She looked in the full body mirror, straightening her dress up and her hair up. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, it had been a while since she had been on a date or whatever this was.

She heard a knock on the door as she headed that way opening it, seeing Joey as he smirked. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it. "Wow, you look great." Joey said to her, smirking as she blushed. "I have this perfect place we can go eat, I think you will love it." He told her as Millie grabbed her purse, shutting the hotel door.

Millie took his hand as they headed to eat.


The restaurant was crowded, it was filled with couples and families. Classical music played as the waiter showed Millie and Joey to their table. Joey pulled out her seat for her, Millie smiled, thanking for the gesture.

The two opened the menu's as the waiter brought wine, leaving the two to glance at the menu's. "I hope you like Italian, I grew up with this kind of food." Joey said smiling, Millie smiled back, laying down her menu. "I love Italian, it is very romantic.." She mumbled, Joey smiled, pouring them wine.

Millie sat back in her seat, sipping the red wine. "So Joey, tell me a little about yourself." Joey's face fell, he gave her a small smile. "Well, I am trying to become an actor, it is kind of working out, I finally got an agent." He told her, Millie gave him a warm smile.

"That's great, I hope everything works out for you," Millie said as the waiter came to get their orders. After sharing their orders with the waiter, Joey asked, "So what do you do?" Millie looked down at her wine glass, as she thought for a moment.

"Well, my parents want me to go to college, to be a doctor, but I don't want too." Millie said as Joey nodded, "Yeah, that's just a lot of years in school again I would not wanna go through, I barley got through high school." He told her as she continued, "But I am trying to start my own art studio though."

"Ooh! Have you ever painted someone that is nude?" Joey asked as Millie's face fell. Joey stared at her for a moment, "Like the class, like-no??" Millie shook her head as she just laughed it off.

"I do have a question though, when you paint someone nude do you paint.. you know?" Joey questioned, Millie held in her laugh. "I-I really don't know, I think they cover those parts up." She told him as he just nodded.

"Well, thank you for letting me take you out tonight, Monica and them are really excited to have you over tomorrow." Joey told her, Millie nodded. "It will be great getting to know people around here, I try to come here often." Millie told him as Joey smirked.

The waiter brought the two their food, as they shared more conversations in the restaurant.


They arrived at the hotel at her room, 402. Millie handed his jacket back, as Joey smiled at her. "Thank you for tonight, I had a great time." She told him as Joey put his jacket back on. Joey took her hand as Millie turned back to face him.

Joey cupped her cheeks as he placed his lips onto hers. Their lips moved in sync as he pressed her against the door. Millie broke the kiss, as she gave him a warm smile. "Joey, I had a great time, but-but I don't think I could date you or anything.." Millie told her as Joey smiled.

"It's ok, you seem like you would be a great friend to have." Joey told her as she laughed. "Thank you Joey, I will see you tomorrow."


The next day at Monica and Phoebe's, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Ross, and Monica were getting the apartment ready for Millie to come over. "Ok, so you are just going to stay friends?" Ross asked, reading the newspaper as Monica was cooking.

"Yeah, she seems to be a real good person," Joey stated, "She seems to be a great friend, you guys are gonna love her." There was a knock at the door,

"Oh my God, that's her! That's her! Is everything clean, Oh God!" Monica yelled as she dropped the spoon. "Well now it isn't, there is sauce everywhere!" Chandler said sarcastically as Ross went to help to clean it up.

Monica answered her door, seeing Millie in a black dress. "Hello, come in!" Monica said to her as Millie flashed her a smile. Monica shut the door behind her as everyone waved at her.

"Hey Mil.. Mil? Can I call you that?" Chandler asked as Millie laughed, Chandler smiled at her. "Yeah, yeah that's fine." Millie told her, Chandler smiled at her. "Well Mil," Monica said giving her a big smile, "Um I hope you like pasta."

"I do, it's one of my favorite dishes." She told her as Monica smiled at her. "Please make yourself at home.." Monica told her as Millie sat down at the table. "So Millie, how is New York treating you?" Ross asked sitting beside her at the kitchen table.

"Good actually," She told him playing with the sliver ware, "I used to come here with my mom, dad, and brother when we were younger." Millie told everyone, Monica stirred the pasta as Phoebe was getting plates down.

"That is great, how often do you visit?" Chandler asked her, Monica handed her a cup as they passed them around. "Every couple months, just to get away." Everyone started to pass around plates as they continued conversation.

"We are so excited to get to know you more.." Phoebe said to her, "You just seem like this amazing friend." Millie laughed, giving everyone a warm smile. Chandler glanced over at her as she glanced back over at him.

"I know I am going to get along well with you guys.."


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