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I searched for a empty compartment, but everywhere I went, it was full. Finally, I stepped into a compartment where I found two boys, who looked alike.

Obviously, they were twins. Looking at them both made me uneasy. I always felt uneasy when I see twins. They both had red hair and they wore the same clothes.

"Mind if I sit with you?" I asked.

"Not at all", The twins said together. I sat next to one of the twins. I looked out the window as we sped past the landscape.

During the ride to Hogwarts, it started raining. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. I was tired after the last full moon. I dreamed about the last rainy day I spent at my mother's house.

When I was 7 years old.

"Mama, please. I don't want to go. I want to stay here. I don't want to be alone. Please", I sobbed.

"I don't care what you want. You don't know how hard I have worked to get the life I deserve! And you just had to mess it up!"

"Please. I'm sorry. Please. I'm your daughter", I said.

"You are a werewolf. Not my daughter", Mama said.

Tears fell down my face.

I woke up only to hear the train stop. I looked at the twins. "Are we already there?" I asked.

"We can't be", One of the twins said.

I stood up and opened the door. I poked my head out of the compartment to see many children did the same.

The train suddenly bumped, pushing me back into the compartment. I landed on the seats.

"Do you think Lee's pulling a prank on us?" One of the twins asked the other twin.

"Really? On the whole train?" I asked them as if they were mental.

"And he didn't invite us", The other twin said.

I rolled my eyes. "Or we could've broke down", I said. The lights turned out. "Okay...still a sign we could've broken down".

I looked at the window to see frost growing on the window. "That's a sign of something else", One of the twins said. I nodded.

I closed my eyes and hummed softly. That's what I did when I was worried or scared. It helps calm me down.

I heard the door open. A boy ran into the room, screaming. He sat on my lap.

"Get off, you idiot!" I snapped.

I pushed the boy to the ground. I pulled out my new wand and said, "Lumos". A light shined at the tip of my wand.

I looked at the boy on the ground. He had white hair and he wore a black suit.

"Really? Sit down-not on my lap", I said. The boy sat across from me.

"Scared, Malfoy?" One of the twins asked.

"I'm not scared, Weaselbee", The boy snapped. The train bumped again. The boy yelped.

I rolled my eyes. I closed my eyes and hummed to myself.

I opened my eyes to find the lights turned back on. "Nox", I said. The light at the tip of my wand disappears.

"Does it help? The humming, does it help?" The boy asked. I nodded.

"I think you can go back to your compartment now", I said. The boy stands up and walked out of the compartment.

I looked at the twins. "I noticed how he spoke to you both", I said.

"Yeah. That's Draco Malfoy", One of the twins said.

"He doesn't have respect for anyone", The other twin said.

"Yeah. And Dad said his father was a Death Eater".

My mother was a Death Eater before the Wizarding War ended. She raised me and my sister, Cassiopeia. I don't remember much about my Dad. I don't even know where he is, but if I saw him, I would recognize him because I've seen pictures of him.

"I mean, just because his father was a Death Eater, I don't think that means he's all bad", I said.

"We know, but Malfoy has been a slimy little git ever since he came to Hogwarts".

"And he's a daddy's boy".

"Well, then, I'll keep my distance. I'm already keeping my distance from everyone", I said.

"You're not keeping your distance from us", The twins said in unison.

"There wasn't anywhere else to sit. And I can keep my distance starting now", I said, standing up. I opened the door.

"Wait", The twins said.

I looked at them. "We'd like to get to know you", One of the twins said.

"I'm Fred", the other twin said

"I'm George".

I stood by the door for a long time. I still felt a bit uneasy around them. Finally, I sat down with the twins.

"I'm Aurelia".

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now