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It has been a month since I arrived at the Burrow. I was still a bit uneasy around the Weasley family. Mostly Percy and Mr. Weasley.

Since they were both Ministry workers, I couldn't help, but feel uneasy around them. Mr. Weasley was kind though. Unlike Percy.

I felt comfortable around Fred, George and Ron. I think it's because I already spent a lot of time with them last year. It still seemed like I barely know Ginny, even though I was in Gryffindor with her.

I knew the family wanted me to feel safe. One evening, me, Fred and George came downstairs and found Mr. Weasley and Percy arguing.

They were having an argument about keeping my secret from the Ministry.

"Percy, Aurelia is part of this family now. You will treat her with respect. You have no idea what she's going through in her life", Mrs. Weasley said.

"You can't be serious. Aurelia Adolpha killed her own sister", Percy said.

I stared down at my feet at the mention of my sister. Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Percy, Bill and Ron still didn't seem to notice Fred, George and I.

"We know about Aurelia's twin sister. Ron filled us in", Mr. Weasley said. Fred and George looked at me.

"And you're letting her stay here? The Ministry needs to know about this".

"This is exactly the reason why she's uneasy around you, Perce. You need to understand that Aurelia didn't have control of herself", Bill butted in.

"Not to mention her mum abandoned her", Ron said, joining in on the Percy vs. family argument. "We can't abandon her too".

I felt touched that most of the Weasleys considered me as part of the family.

"You will not tell the Ministry about what Aurelia is or about her past. Do you understand, Percy?" Mr. Weasley asked.

Percy didn't say anything. I got sort of worried. "Percy", Mr. Weasley said.

"Yes Father", Percy said with a cold voice and a glare.

Percy and Mr. Weasley didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Mrs. Weasley shouting at Fred and George. I got out of bed and took a shower.

I got into my clothes for the day before I joined everyone downstairs.

During breakfast, I looked at the Daily Prophet. "Any news on your Uncle?" Ron whispered to me.

"Not yet. I hope he's alright", I said.

I looked towards the window. I saw something flying towards the house. There was the screech of an owl.

Everyone looked towards the window. "Looks like there's an owl post for someone", Mrs. Weasley said. The owl slammed into the window's glass which made me jump in surprise.

The owl flew onto the counter. Mrs. Weasley sighed and grabbed the package.

"Aurelia, it's for you, dear", Mrs. Weasley said. She gave me the package.

There was a card on the box.

To: Aurelia Adolpha
From: Albus Dumbledore

I opened the package. "It's Wolfsbane potion", I said.

I then remembered that the Full Moon was on Friday. Today was Wednesday.

I was silent for the rest of breakfast.

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