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Our first class on the first day of school was Defense Against The Dark Arts with our new teacher, Mad-eye Moody.

I knew he was a skilled Auror-Dark Wizard Catcher- and I know it's only the first day, but I knew he wasn't better than Lupin.

"Alastair Moody", Mad-eye said. He writes on the chalkboard. "Ex Auror, Ministry Malcontents and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, Goodbye, the end. Any questions?"

No one spoke. I didn't dare to speak. He sounded like he was having a bad life too. Him and Snape could be friends.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach", Mad-eye said. Harry and Ron exchanged looks. "First, Which one of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

"Three, sir", Hermione said. She sounded uneasy. Me and Hermione read about these Curses over the summer.

I knew why she was uneasy.

"And they're so named?" Mad-eye asked.

"Because they are unforgivable", I said. "The use of any one of them will-"

"-will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct", Mad-eye said, interrupting me. "Now the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against-" Mad-eye turned to the board and wrote on the chalkboard.

Why is this man so aggressive?

"-you need to be prepared, you need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan", Mad-eye said.

Just like all the other students, I turned to Seamus. "The old codger can see out the back of his head", Seamus whispered. Mad-eye threw his piece of chock at him, but it hit the person in front of Seamus.

"And hear across classrooms!" Mad-eye shouted.

I tried not to laugh because I knew that if I did, I would probably be in trouble and my life would end...

Or I'll probably get a glare. Who knows.

"So, which curse shall we see first? Weasley!" Mad-eye shouted.

"Yes", Ron practically squealed.

"Stand. Give me a curse".

Ron slowly stood up. Me and Hermione looked at each other uneasily. There's a reason why these curses are forbidden.

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse", Ron said.

"Yeah, your father would know all about that", Mad-eye said. "Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why".

Ron sat in his seat. Mad-eye opened a jar and took out a spider. "Engorgio", Mad-eye said. The spider grew to the size of his hand. "Imperio".

He pointed his wand at Dean and Neville's desk. The spider flew towards them and landed on the desk. A few students chuckled when Neville and Dean jumped back.

The spider jumped onto Vincent Crabbe's head. A small laugh slipped out of my mouth.

"Don't worry. It's completely harmless", Mad-eye said. He pointed his wand at one of the Patil twins. It landed on one of theirs shoulder. There was more laughter throughout the classroom.

"If she bites, she's lethal", Mad-eye said. The spider landed on Ron's head. Mad-eye looks at Draco. "What are you laughing at?"

The spider landed on Draco Malfoy's face. There was louder laughter. I laughed as well. Part of the reason why I had laughed was because Harry applauded.

"Talented, isn't she? What should I have her do next?" Mad-eye asked. "Jump out the window?" He pointed his wand towards the closed window. The spider smacked against the glass. "Drown herself?" The spider floats above a bucket of water.

The spider floats back to Mad-eye. It landed in his hand.

"Scores of Witches and Wizards have claimed that they only did You-know-who's bidding under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub; how do we sort out the liars. Another, another", Mad-eye said. Loads of people raised their hands. "Longbottom, is it? Come up". Neville stands up. "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology".

Neville nodded. "T-There's the Cruciatus Curse", Neville said.

I knew Neville's history with the Cruciatus curse. He told me last year that he lives with his Grandmother because his parents were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange with the Cruciatus curse.

"Correct, correct! Come, come!" Mad-eye shouted. They walked closer to the table at the front of the room. Mad-eye sets the spider on the table. "Take a little nasty. The torture curse. Crucio!"

The spider twitched in pain. Neville closed his eyes and looked away.

Seeing Neville so afraid and in such pain, I couldn't take it. I stood to my feet.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me in surprise.

The spider settled and stopped twitching. Neville opened his eyes. I sat down in my seat.

Mad-eye cleared his throat and brought the spider over to where me and Hermione were sitting. He sets the spider on the table.

"Perhaps you can give us the last curse, Miss Adolpha", Mad-eye said. It took me a lot of confidence to look Mad-eye in the face and shake my head.

I looked down sadly. Mad-eye pointed his wand at the spider. "Avada Kedavra", Mad-eye said. The spider fell on his back. "The killing curse. Only one person has been known to have survived it and they're sitting in this room". Mad-eye looked at Harry.

I looked at Mad-eye with suspicion. I don't trust this guy. People say this man has become too paranoid. What if they're right?

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