I waited for Harry to get back from Professor Dumbledore's office. He came into the common room. I stood up quickly.

"Well?" I asked.

"It's terrible. They threatened to throw Dumbledore in Azkaban. So he disappeared. Now, Umbridge is in charge", Harry said.

"Who is she targeting next?" I asked. I knew she was going to try to find out what I am. When she knows I'm a werewolf, she might actually throw me into Azkaban.

"I won't let her hurt you, Aurelia", Harry said.

"I'm sorry about Cho".

I really am sorry, even though I believed she was going to betray him at some point.

"You were really into her", I said.

"It's fine, Aurelia", Harry said, but I could tell by his tone of voice, he was heartbroken. I wrapped my arms around Harry.


After detention with Umbridge, me, Harry, Hermione and Ron followed Hagrid into the forest.

I think he wanted to show us something.

We asked him where we were going and why he couldn't tell us.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione asked.

"Sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but Dumbledore gone, I'll likely be gettin sacked any day now and I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him", Hagrid said.

We heard leafs rustling. I looked up to see something big. It was a giant, way taller than Hagrid.

"Grawpy", Hagrid said. "Down here, you great buffoon".

Grawpy was too concentrated on the butterfly circling his head. Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione too a few steps back as Grawpy came closer.

When Grawpy tried to smash the butterfly, he almost smashed the four of us.

"Grawpy, I brought you some company", Hagrid said.

Grawpy looked at us and smiled. He ran towards us. The four of us took steps back. Grawpy was stopped by the rope that was tied around his waist.

"I couldn't just leave him because...because he's my brother", Hagrid said.

"Blimey", Ron said.

"Well half brother really. He's completely harmless just like I said. Little high spirited is all", Hagrid said.

I felt something big wrap around me. Next thing I know, my feet left the ground. I screamed as I was lifted up.

"Grawpy, that is not polite", Hagrid said.

"Hagrid, do something!" Ron shouted.

"We talked about this. You do not grab, do you? That's your new friend. Grawpy", Hagrid said.

I looked down which made me even more scared. I'm not really a big fan for heights.

Ron grabbed a large stick and hits Grawp in the leg. Grawpy only pushed him to the ground.

"Grawp", I said. "Put me down. Now".

Grawpy sets me on the ground next to Ron and Harry.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked me.

"I'm fine", I said, though my arm was a bit sore. Grawp had a really strong grip.

"I think you got an admirer", Harry said as Grawpy searched through a pile of objects next to the tree.

Grawpy grabbed a bicycle handle with a bell on it. He rings the bell, then gives it to me.

There was a moment of silence. I wasn't sure what to do. Then, I realized..."Oh, he wants me to ring the bell", I said. I rang the bell.

Grawpy smiled at me. I couldn't help, but smile as well.

"He's got his own food and all. It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him, won't you?" Hagrid asked. "I'm the only family he's got". I looked at Hagrid.

I nodded. "We'll look after him", I said.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now