I sat in my room. I tried not to think about Umbridge and focus on my studies. Harry, Hermione and Ron ran into the room.

"Aurelia! We have a solution", Hermione said. She laid a contract in front of me.

Dumbledore's Army

Below the text was Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's signature. "Since Umbridge refuses to teach us, Harry will teach us", Hermione said.

I sighed. I wasn't sure if Harry could teach us anything. He's a 5th year like us, but if there was a chance their plan would work, I wanted to support them. So I signed...

Aurelia Adolpha


Harry, Ron and Hermione got a lot of people to join. Ginny, Neville, Luna, Dean, Fred, George, Pavarti, Padma, Lavender Brown, Zachariah Smith and others joined.

And to my displeasure, Cho joined.

A dummy stood in front of us. Harry and Neville were at the front of the line. I stood behind them.

"Expeliarmus", Neville said. His wand flew to the back of the room. Everyone had to duck so we wouldn't get hit.

"I'm hopeless", Neville said.

"You're flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this", Harry said and takes out his wand. "Expeliarmus!" The dummy's wand flew out of his hand.

Everyone else tried. I'm not going to lie, the first meeting was fun.

On the second practice, we did Stunning spells.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's-it's sort of a wizard's bread and butter really. So uh, come on then, Nigel. Give me your best shot", Harry said.

On one side of the room was Nigel Wolpert and on the other side of the room was Harry.

Nigel stood there for a moment before he shouted, "Stupefy!"

Harry fell close to the wall where the door used to be and Nigel lost his balance. "Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done", Harry said.

Next, Hermione against Ron.

They stood where Harry and Nigel was. "Come on, Ron", the twins said.

"One sickle", George said.

"You're on", Fred said.

Of course they'll bet on him.

Hermione and Ron raised their wands. "Stupefy!" Hermione shouted. Ron fell backwards.

"Thank you", Fred said.

"Shut up", George said.

"I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it?" Ron asked. I rolled my eyes and joined the girls who were congratulating Hermione.

A few more practices passed. We tried lifting people into the air. I noticed Harry helping Cho. I didn't feel jealous because it was Harry's job to help everyone.

But then, I saw Cho look at Harry. Cho lost control and dropped Nigel Wolper. That's when the sudden jealousy built up inside me.


After many weeks of Dumbledore's army and being one step ahead of Umbridge and her crew of students, we came to our last practice before the break. We practiced spells on the target dummy.


"Expeliarmus!" Neville shouted.


"Expeliarmus!" Luna shouted.

"Reducto!" I shouted. The dummy turned to ashes. I looked up, expecting everyone to be mad that I destroyed the dummy, but everyone looked impressed.

And to make things better, Neville succeeded in casting the disarming spell.

"That's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays so just keep practicing on your own as best as you can. And well done everyone. Great, great work", Harry said.

Everyone clapped and cheered. This was the first time I've had fun this school year.

As everyone was leaving, I grabbed my things. I thought I was the last one out of the room, but when I turned around, I saw Harry standing next to Cho.

I walked out of the room, feeling not anger, but sadness.

It's hopeless. He likes her and she likes him. Cho is the nicest person at school. What if she's not out to get him?

He was going choose her.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now