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A night after a full moon, I returned to the common room, exhausted and bruised up.

I laid back on the couch and sighed heavily. "Aurelia", I heard someone by the stairs.

I sat up and found Harry standing on the stairs. "Harry. I didn't hear you coming. I hope I didn't wake you up", I said.

"I couldn't really sleep, actually", Harry said. He sat next to me. "There's scars on your face".

"I've looked worse, believe me", I said.

One time, I actually had blood on my face.

"Let me help you clean up", Harry said. He got up and went upstairs. When he came back, he cleaned the blood from my arm.

Most of my faded scars were on my arms and down. I have a few scars on my left cheek and 3 faded scratches on my neck. A long scratch went from my right cheek down to my chin.

"Thanks. You didn't have to do this", I said.

"What are friends for".

I forced a smile. I didn't want to be just friends. But I wasn't going to rush anything.

"What did your mother mean by 'chance'?" Harry asked.

"It's nothing", I said.

I heard a tap at the window. Me and Harry turned to the window to see Uncle Sirius. We ran towards the window and opened it.

Sirius was on a flying motorbike. There was a side car attached to it. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Aurelia, get on", Sirius said. I got into the side car. "With Umbridge in charge, it's only a matter of time before she finds out about your conditions".

"I'm leaving? I haven't grabbed my stuff", I said.

I looked at Harry. I looked at Sirius. "Uncle Siri-Aah!" Before I could finish, the motorbike zoomed away.

I clutched on to the side car and Sirius's robes, afraid that I would fall if I let go.


I went to my room when we had arrived at Grimmaulds Place. I waited for some news from the Order.

The door opened. I turned around to see Dumbledore walk into the room.

"Professor Dumbledore", I said.

"Hello Aurelia", Dumbledore said. "I have some good news and bad news. The good news: Umbridge is nowhere closer to figuring out your secret. However, if you begin to disappear every full moon, Umbridge will begin to notice and put the pieces together".

"So, the bad news is I can't go back to school", I assumed. Dumbledore nodded. "But I have my OWLs, my friends are still there, I made a promise that I'd help Hagrid".

"Your friends are not the ones in danger. If you're still there when Umbridge finds out about you, the Ministry will take you to court", Dumbledore said.

I couldn't be taken away from Hogwarts. It's my first home and always will be.

"As for your OWLs, you will take them here. First, I must ask, do you know what you want for your career?" Dumbledore asked.

"I want to be a healer. I want to help not only normal Wizards and Witches, but also the ones who are like me", I said.

Dumbledore smiled. "That's a wonderful idea, Aurelia", Dumbledore said. "You may take your OWLs after the sun has fully risen. For now, rest. You must be exhausted after a long night".

Dumbledore walked out of the room. I laid in bed. It wasn't long until I drifted off to sleep, but when I did, I had a nightmare.

I was at the home where me, Cassiopeia and Cordelia used to live. I was in the garden, picking flowers.

I heard a soft growl. I looked around, but I saw nothing. The dream takes me forward a few hours later, when it's night time.

I laid in bed, staring out of the window. I saw a full moon. Suddenly, something crashed through the window.

I fell on the ground. I got up and saw a werewolf in their wolf form. Before I could get out of the way, they lunged at me.

I was bitten on my neck, my arms, my shoulder. There was blood everywhere. I was screaming and sobbing.

Just as my mother walked in, I woke up.

"Aurelia! Aurelia, wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Remus. He stared at me worriedly. "R-Remus", I said.

"It's alright, Aurelia. It's just a dream", Remus said.

I shook my head. It wasn't just a dream. It was a past event of my life. It was a flashback.

"It wasn't a dream. I s-saw the night I turned into a werewolf", I said. "There was blood everywhere. And I screamed for so long, I thought the pain would never stop".

Remus looked at me sadly. "Here", he said, giving me a piece of chocolate. Remus stared at me with a pained expression.

I noticed he does that whenever we talk about my experience as a werewolf or how my life was after my friends and mother abandoned me.

He must have been thinking I was too young to experience this much pain. Sometimes, after a full moon, I ask myself if I am too young to experience so much pain.

"How old were you? When you were bitten?" Remus asked.

"Not long after I had turned 5", I said. "What about you? How old were you?"

"4, almost 5", Remus said, staring down. I looked at him sadly.

"I think I found out who bit me", I said. Remus looked at me again. "I've seen him appear on the Daily Prophet when I was younger".

"Fenrir Greyback?" Remus asked. I nodded. "He targets children, Aurelia. He turns them when they're young and he teaches them to hate Witches and Wizards so they can join him in his army".

"He was planning to do that to me? He knew I had my mum though. At the time, she wouldn't have let anything happen to me. Why did he not try to get rid of her?" I asked.

"I don't think he was trying to recruit you", a new voice said.

Remus and I looked at Cordelia, who was standing next to the door.

I swear, she is like an emo girl that just watches people and hides in corners.

"During the 1st Wizarding War, I was a Death Eater until I betrayed Voldemort. It was because of me and Aurelius. We made Voldemort furious. We decided to take it to another level by bothering Greyback and his group of werewolves", Cordelia explained. "Your father didn't think it was a good idea, but I didn't listen".

"So...Greyback was trying to kill me...as his revenge to you", I said. Cordelia looked at the ground. "I'm like this because of you".

"Aurelia, stay calm".

"No, Remus! She abandoned me, she told me I was a mistake, that everything bad happened because of me! My life was destroyed because of her and she let me believe that I'm really a monster!"

Tears fell down my face. I looked at Cordelia. "I hate you!" I shouted at her.

Cordelia stared at me emotionless until finally, she left the room.

I broke into sobs. Remus comforted me by embracing me with a hug and combing his fingers through my hair.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now