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I woke up to the smell of breakfast in the kitchen and Fred and George shouting a song. The twins shook me awake.


"Fred! George! I'm up", I said.

"Well, come on then", Fred and George said as they pulled me to my feet. The three of us went downstairs to find the rest of the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione sitting at the table.

We joined everyone at the table. We all started eating breakfast and everyone treated me as an equal.

Because of my conditions, I didn't think I would spend the summer at the Weasleys' home. But I got lucky at the beginning of the summer.

2 months earlier (June)

I sat in the tiny shack that I live in alone. I hated being away from Hogwarts. It's the only place where I was loved.

I heard a noise from the living room. I grabbed my wand and walked slowly towards the living room.

If there really was someone in my living room, I was hoping it was my Uncle or Remus Lupin. I hadn't seen either of them for weeks.

To my surprise, I saw Ron, Fred and George shoot out of the fireplace. The 3 of them slid across the floor and bumped into each other.

I let out a small chuckle. Ron, Fred and George looked at me. "Aurelia", Ron said. He stands up quickly.

"What are you lots doing here?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"Taking you away from this miserable place", Ron said.

"You're spending the summer at our house", One of the twins said.

"That's kind of you, really. Though, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I have this-"

"It's alright, Aurelia", One of the twins said, standing up.

"Yeah, we know you're a werewolf", The other twin said, also standing up.

I looked at Ron. "You Numb Skull! You told them my secret?" I asked.

"Wait, before you get mad, let me explain. Ginny already had her suspicions. We were able to convince Mum to let you stay", Ron explained.

"Okay, well, what is your family going to do when there's a full moon?" I asked.

"There's a shed you can go to", One of the twins said.

"Don't worry. Everything will be just fine", The other twin said.

"Go grab your things", Ron said. I looked at Ron hesitantly. "Would you rather be alone the whole summer?"

"I'd rather you be safe the whole summer", I said.

"Would you relax? Everything will be fine. Go on", Ron said.

I went to my room and packed my things for the summer. When I was finished, me, Fred, George and Ron got into the fireplace. We used Floo Powder to get to the Burrow, the Weasleys' home.

It was a very nice place. I thought it was perfect. It wasn't worn down like my place. There was a cheerful vibe to it.

"This place is amazing", I said. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Yes. Trust us, Aurelia", One of the twins said.

"It's not you I don't trust", I said.

"Come on", The other twin said.

"We're back, Mum", Ron called out as he, Fred and George led me into the kitchen.

A woman was cooking. I'm guessing she was Ron's, Fred's and George's mother. There were 3 boys sitting at the table.

I recognized one of them as Percy Weasley, Ron's and the twins' big brother.

I'm guessing the other 2 boys were Bill and Charlie, the older brothers of Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny.

Mrs. Weasley and the 3 boys looked at me. "You must be Aurelia", Mrs. Weasley said. She approached me, Ron and the twins. To my surprise, she gave me a hug.

Not many people I met are brave enough to hug a werewolf.

"It's good to have you here", Mrs. Weasley said.

"It's good to be here. Thank you for having me here", I said.

"Of course, Sweetheart", Mrs. Weasley said.

The other boys, Bill and Charlie approached me. "Hi Aurelia. I'm Bill", the oldest said, shaking my hand.

"Hi. Nice to meet you", I said.

"Hi, Aurelia. I'm Charlie", The second oldest said, shaking my hand.

"Hi Charlie".

Percy looked at me coldly. "Hi Percy", I said awkwardly.

"Hello Adolpha", Percy said. He didn't sound like he was happy to see me.

"Let's take you to your room", Ron said. Ron, Fred and George shot a glare at Percy before we walked out of the room.

As we walked up the stairs, I asked, "Does the whole family know what I am?"

"We haven't told any of our aunts-" One of the twins said.

"-or uncles", the other twin said.

"Or cousins".

"Only Mum, Dad, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Me, Percy and Ginny knows", Ron said. "Dad and Percy has sworn they won't tell the Ministry".

"Percy agreed to that?" I asked.

"Dad had to force him to", One of the twins said.

I stopped walking when we got to the top of the stairs. "I-I don't know about this. Are you sure this is a good idea? Is this really what you lots want?" I asked.

Ron, Fred and George nodded. "Fred, George and I have thought of everything", Ron said.

"The Ministry won't find out your secret, but if they do, we have a plan", One of the twins said.

"And we're already prepared for the next full moon", the other twin said.

"Okay", I said, but I still felt worried.

They took me to a room where I found Hermione and Ginny.

"Aurelia", Hermione said when she saw me. She wrapped her arms around me.

"We'll leave you girls to it", One of the twins said.

Ron, Fred and George walked out of the room, leaving me with Hermione and Ginny.

"It's good to see you again", Hermione said.

"It's good to see you too", I said. I looked behind Hermione. Ginny stood  where she was, not saying a word.

For the next hour, Ginny and I didn't say anything to each other. I would talk to Hermione or Ginny would talk to Hermione. Ginny and I didn't speak to each other until Hermione left to see when dinner would be ready.

"Is it alright if I ask you something?" Ginny asked.

I was taken by surprise, but I responded. "Yes, go ahead", I said.

"How long have you been a werewolf?" Ginny asked.

"For almost 9 years", I said. Ginny thought to herself for a minute. I was hoping she wasn't doing the math. I tried to think of what to say that could interrupt Ginny from her thinking. "Ron told me you already had your suspicions".

"Well, Professor Lupin ended up being a werewolf and you both have scratches on your face. Also, I heard Neville mention that some nights on you're missing from the common room", Ginny explained.

I hope Neville hasn't pieced it together. He would definitely be afraid of me.

Hearing the mention of Remus Lupin made me sad. I don't know what the year is going to be like without him.

"Are you related to Professor Lupin? Is he dad?" Ginny asked.

"No, I'm not a relative, but he is like a father to me", I said.

Hermione came back into the room. "Dinner is ready", Hermione said. Ginny and I stood up and followed Hermione downstairs, where we joined the rest of the Weasleys.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now