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Aftet classes, I sat at Gryffindor table. I distanced myself from everyone else. I was just too dangerous.

I was eating as I looked at my new book from the library. I looked up when I heard, "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Every Gryffindor had their attention on Seamus. Everyone except me gathered around him.

"Who?" Ron asked. He was Fred's and George's little brother. He was a 3rd year like me.

"Sirius Black", Seamus said.

I looked down at my book at the mention of his name.

"Dafftown? That's not far from here", A girl named Hermione Granger said.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville Longbottom asked nervously.

"With the dementors at every entrance?"

"Dementors? He already slip past them once. Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus asked.

I mean, that's true.

"That's right. Black could be anywhere", one of the Gryffindors said. "It's like trying to catch smoke or trying to catch smoke with your bare hands".

Part of me wondered if he would come after me.

There was two reasons for him to come here. One of those reasons was Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the person responsible for Voldemort's downfall. The other reason was me, Aurelia Adolpha.

I came out of my thoughts when Hermione Granger sat across from me. She was a Muggleborn girl who was in 3rd year as well.

"Hi", she said.

"Hey", I said. "Do you think he really would come here?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows? Perhaps the Dementors will catch him. We can't loose hope", Hermione said.

"That's true", I said, looking down.

"It's alright if you're afraid".

I looked at her. I wasn't exactly scared, but I wasn't going to tell her Sirius Black's connection to my father.


A month later, I walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom for my last class. I saw everyone was already here. I dropped my satchel next to everyone else's things and joined the class.

We stood in front of a wardrobe. Something inside it made it shake. We would all step back everytime the wardrobe shook.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Professor Lupin asked. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

"That's a Boggart, that is", Dean Thomas said.

How did he know that?

"Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anybody tell me what a Boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin asked.

"No one knows".

I looked to my right to see Hermione. I didn't see her there.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked.

"Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take the shape of whatever particular person fears the most", Hermione said. "That's what makes them so-"

"So terrifying, yes", Lupin said. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please. After me. Riddikulus!"

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