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On the train, I sat in a compartment with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I heard the lady with the trolley outside the compartment.

"Anything from the trolley?"

I sighed. I just want to sleep. I pulled money out of my pocket. I had enough money for one cauldron cake, two Bertie Botts and one licorice wand.

However, I wanted to save up my money because A; I'm poor, B; I have to buy food for the summer and C; saving up money is good. However, I might spend money in Hogsmeade. Thanks to my Uncle, I had my permission slip to go into Hogsmeade.

After Ron got his snacks, Harry and I stood up and went to the trolley.

"Two pumpkin pacies, please".

I saw a Ravenclaw, Cho Chang standing next to the cart with her friends.

Cho looked at Harry with a warm smile. I looked at Harry. He looked nervous. I looked at Cho. She looked away from Harry and looked at the trolley.

I looked at the witch with the trolley. She gave the two pumpkin pacies to Cho. I heard Cho's friends giggling as they walked away with Cho.

"Anything sweet for you, dear?" The witch with the trolley asked.

"Oh, no. I'm not hungry", Harry said.

I stared after Cho. I looked at Harry as he took his seat. I suddenly had this weird feeling. I don't know why, but for some reason, I felt...angry?

I shook the feeling away. So what if Harry fancies Cho Chang? I shouldn't be angry. If anything, I should be teasing him.

"Anything for you, dear?"

I looked at the witch with the trolley. I had forgotten she was standing there. "One Cauldron Cake", I said. I looked at Harry and smirked.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Did you mean to say no or Cho?" I asked.

"Shove off", Harry said. I laughed, but it didn't get rid of the anger. Why was I so angry about Cho and Harry?

I'm probably just angry because I'm so tired.

The full moon was 2 nights ago and with Fred and George in the same household as me, I can't get any damn sleep.

The lady with the trolley gave me the cauldron cake and left. I looked at Harry. "Uncle Sirius will want to know what has happened and what you saw at the World Cup", I said. "I'm going to go find Ginny and Neville". I walked out of the compartment and closed the door.


At Hogwarts, after everyone was seated and sorted, Dumbledore made his speech.

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" Before Dumbledore could finish, Filch ran towards him and whispered something to Dumbledore.

Filch ran out of the room and Dumbledore continued. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament",Dumbledore said.

The twins seemed happy. I, for one, didn't know what that was.

"Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not faint-hearted. But more of that later", Dumbledore spoke.

"For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime",Dumbledore said.

A group of girls with blue outfits and hats, walked into the room. They stopped and reached their hands out to us and they sighed. They continued walking, but they stopped again to do the same thing.

I rolled my eyes. A school full of dramatic rich girls? Well, that's going to get annoying.

"Bloody hell", Ron said as he looks at the ladies' butts. I rolled my eyes. Then, I took a look myself and I thought...Bloody hell.

I sort of already figured that I'm bi.

The Beauxbatons Headmistress walked past us. "Blimey, that's one big woman", Seamus said. She looked a little taller than Hagrid.

The boys cheered loudly for the ladies. I kept my arms crossed.

"I've seen better", I said to Hermione, who nodded.

"And now our friends from the North, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff", Dumbledore said.

A group of men came into the room, banging their staffs on the ground and grunting. I shook my head as I looked down.

Is dramatic the new style now?

The men ran towards the front of the room. Most of the students gasped and some of them stood up to get a closer look. I stayed seated.

Two men came into the room. I recognized one of them from the Quidditch World Cup. "Blimey, it's him. It's Viktor Krum", Ron said.

"Albus!" Igor Karkaroff said. He hugged Dumbledore.

"Igor", Dumbledore said.

"I've still seen better", I said. My friends looked at me.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now