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Harry and I watched as Ron, Fred and George sang and danced as they cheered Viktor Krum's name.

"There's no one like Krum", Ron said.

Just then, I sensed something dangerous. I turned around. I saw Mr. Weasley looking outside.

I walked towards the opening of the tent.

"Krum?" One of the twins said.

"Dumb Krum?" The other asked.

"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind", Ron says in a dreamy tone.

I approached Mr. Weasley. He looked at me. "Aurelia, stay inside", Mr. Weasley said.

"I sense something dangerous", I said. "It's outside". Mr. Weasley looked at me. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings.

Yes, being a Werewolf ruined my life, but I think the only thing good that came out of it was I got self defense mechanisms. Like sensing danger and super hearing.

"He's an artist", Ron said.

"I think you're in love, Ron", Ginny teased.

"Oh, shut up", Ron said to Ginny.

I listened for the noises outside. I suddenly heard screaming, explosions and chanting.

"Bad people", I said. "Followers of V...you-know-who".

I turned to my friends and ran towards them.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on", George said as Fred and Ron playfully fought with pillows.

"Stop! Stop it! It's not the Irish", Mr. Weasley said, breaking up the pillow fight. "We got to get out of here. Now".

We ran out of the tent. There was destruction outside. Everyone screamed in fear.

"Get out! It's the Death Eaters!" Someone shouted.

I recognized the name. Death Eaters were followers of the Dark Lord. Of Voldemort.

"Get back to the portkey everybody and stick together!" Mr. Weasley shouted.

We started running towards the portkey. "Harry!" Hermione shouted. Harry joined us.

As we were running, the crowd separated us from Harry. Hermione shouted for his name.

I looked back and ran to find him. "Aurelia!" Hermione shouted, but I kept running.

"Harry!" I called out. "Harry!"

I pushed myself through the crowd, searching for Harry. I found him on the ground, unconscious.

I fell to my knees. Someone kicked me in the face as they were running, knocking me unconscious.


I was woken up by the sound of Harry's voice. I opened my eyes. There was no more people around and everything was burnt.

I looked at Harry. We laid beside each other on the ground. I realized my head was laying on his chest. We both stood up.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Are you?" Harry asked. I nodded.

I turned around to see a man standing away from us. He pointed his wand at the sky. A skull with a snake coming out of his mouth illuminates the sky.

The man saw us and he walked towards us.

"Harry, run! That's a Death Eater!" I shouted. Harry and I ran. We didn't run for long when we heard Hermione's and Ron's voice.

"Harry!" Ron shouted. "Aurelia, where are you?"

"Aurelia!" Hermione shouted.

The man walked away from us when he saw Ron and Hermione. "We've been looking for you two for ages. We thought we lost you, mate", Ron said. He looked at the skull in the sky. "What is that?"

"The Dark Mark", I said.

Harry winced in pain as he touched the lightning scar on his head. Wizards appeared and threw a "Stupefy" charm at us, but the four of us ducked.

"Stop! That's my son!" Mr. Weasley shouted at he ran towards us. "Ron, Harry, Hermione, Aurelia, are you alright?"

"We came back for Harry and Aurelia", Ron said.

"Which of you done it?" One of the wizards asked. It was Barty Crouch Senior. "That's a lie. You've been discovered at the scene of crime".

"Crime?" Harry asked.

"Barty, they're just kids", Mr. Weasley said.

"What crime?" Harry asked.

"It's the dark mark, Harry. It's his mark", Hermione said.

"Voldemort?" Harry asked. "Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they. Followers".

I nodded. "Death Eaters", I said.

"Follow me", Barty Crouch the 1st said to his men.

"There was a man. Before. There", Harry said, pointing to where we last saw the man.

The group of men walked away. "A man, Harry. Who?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see his face", Harry said.

"Neither did I", I said. "But I know the Dark Mark. My mum was a Death Eater. She said she betrayed him at the end. She's kept so many secrets, I'm not sure if she really betrayed him or not".

"What about your Dad? Was he a Death Eater?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"I don't know anything about my Dad", I said, shrugging my shoulders.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now