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I spent a few minutes after class comforting Neville. I know what Bellatrix Lestrange did to his parents. I couldn't imagine how he felt.

I walked into Professor Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore was at his desk, writing something.

"Ah, Aurelia. I've been expecting you", Dumbledore said without looking up from his writing.

I stood in front of his desk. "You have?" I asked.

"Of course. I know why you're here. You miss Remus Lupin", Dumbledore said. I sighed. He's right. I do miss him. And my Uncle. "He's not Remus, but I do trust him".

"Well, I don't. He's not Remus. He's not better than or as good as Remus. I don't trust this man", I said.

Dumbledore finally looked up from whatever he was writing. "Aurelia, I understand it's hard for you to trust anyone. Even after your mother abandoned you", Dumbledore said. I looked away from Dumbledore, staring at the portraits on the wall.

I didn't want to be reminded of my mother or my sister, Cassiopeia. I was punished for something I had no control of.

"But perhaps trusting people will save you someday", Dumbledore said.

"I trust my friends. And Remus and...my Uncle", I said.

"Your Uncle?"

"You don't know him", I said.

"I understand-"

"Don't say you understand. I'm sorry, Professor, but you don't understand. No one understands. Professor Lupin was there for me when I felt like I didn't have a place in this world, when I wanted to die, when I was truly and absolutely alone. So, please, please do not say understand because you don't".

Professor Dumbledore didn't say anything. He looked at me as I took deep breaths.

"Professor, I was uh...wondering if I could be a judge in the Tournament", I said.

"I think that's up to the adults", Dumbledore said.

"Pretty please. You said only 17 and older can compete. Well, I don't know any 17 year olds. So, it's not like I would favor one champion over another", I said. "Besides, how hard can it be?"

Dumbledore gave me a look. Finally, he said, "How about a assistant judge". I nodded my head rapidly.


After visiting Dumbledore, I went to Professor Snape's classroom. I approached Professor Snape, who was sitting at his desk.

"Miss Adolpha, what do I owe to this unpleasant visit?" Snape asked. I ignored his snarky attitude.

"I was wondering, Professor, if you could make Wolfsbane potion for Mr. Lupin. Enough to last him at least a few Full Moons", I said.

"You are aware that Mr. Lupin is no longer a Hogwarts Professor, yes?" Snape asked.

"Yes, sir", I said, crossing my arms. I'm also aware Snape was trying to expose Lupin and I as werewolves last year.

Since I needed a favor, I wasn't going to try to argue with Snape.

"It's unfair that he gets to suffer and I don't. Don't you think we should help him?" I asked.

"There are many other werewolves that will transform with you and Lupin on a full moon. Tell me, do you think it's fair that you and Lupin won't have to suffer, but they will?" Snape asked.

I didn't say anything. It wasn't fair. Why should people like me have to suffer?

"No, it's not fair", I said. I looked down sadly.

"Miss Adolpha, you can't save everyone", Snape said.

I knew Snape was right, but it was just so unfair.

"I understand, sir", I said.

I was about to walk away, but Snape says, "I haven't forgotten that you and Potter attacked me last year".

"And I haven't forgotten that you tried to expose my secret", I said. "I'd say we're even".

I turned and left the classroom. I wanted to find my friends before Dumbledore chose the champions for the Triwizard Tournament.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now