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It was the day before Hogsmeade weekend. I couldn't go into Hogsmeade without a permission slip. Since I have no parents or any legal guardians, I wasn't going to get a permission slip anytime soon.

I was outside, wearing my winter attire.

I snuck up behind Fred and George

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I snuck up behind Fred and George. I threw two snowballs at them, hitting them both in the back.

They looked at me as I ran away laughing. I hid behind a pillar just as they both threw a snowball.

I threw 3 snowballs at them. One of the snowballs hits Neville in the face. "Sorry, Neville!" I called out. The twins threw a few more snowballs at me.

Later, I sat on the Common room couch. I looked at Daily Prophet. It was an old one. The one that announced Sirius's escape.

I couldn't piece everything together. If he's already broken into the castle, how come he hasn't made a move yet.

Harry sat next to me. I quickly laid the Daily Prophet on the table. "Hey. So, I've looked at the Divinations work and I still don't know how Divination helps with our future", I said.

"Honestly, me neither", Harry said. He looked at the paper on the table. He looked at me. "Were you reading this?"

"No", I lied.

Harry looked at me suspiciously. "Do you know him? Do you know Sirius Black?" He asked.

"No offense, but we barely know each other. I don't trust you", I said.

"I know, but you can trust me, Aurelia. I promise", Harry said.

It took a moment for me to respond. I stared at him, searching for any hints that he was lying-that I couldn't trust him.

But he was telling the truth.

"I don't remember him. Only...flashes. Glimpses of memories. I've met him, but like I said, I only remember pieces of memories", I explained.

"Oh. How did you take the news about his escape?" Harry asked.

"Can I tell you something? Something I can't admit to anyone else?" I asked. Harry nodded. "After he broke into the common room and after the Dementors attacked you, I've been worried. Not only am I worried that he'll kill someone, but I'm afraid he'll come after me. I know everyone says he's after you, but I can't help but think you're not the only person he wants to kill?"

"What exactly is your relationship to him?" Harry asked.

"He's my father's killer. They were best friends and he...Dumbledore might know my relationship to him, but I'm not completely sure".

"Well, maybe Black isn't after you", Harry said.

"Maybe, but I don't know. I'm so scared that he might come into my room and murder me at night", I said.

"The staff won't let anything happen to either of us", Harry said. "And I won't let anything happen to you".

"Don't worry, Potter. I can handle myself. I don't want you to risk your own safety for me", I said. "But thank you".


On the day of Hogsmeade weekend, I stood outside in the snow. I looked up at the sky with a smile. Snowflakes fell onto my cheeks and my forehead.

"Enjoying the snow?"

I looked at Lupin. He approached me, wearing his Winter attire. "I always enjoy the snow. Winter is my favorite time of the year", I said.

"This is the happiest I've ever seen you. Lately, you've looked worried", Lupin said.

I guess I have been down lately. All I could think about was Sirius. I question how long it will take until he has finally broken into the common room.

"Yeah. There's uh...something I need to tell you and I have a few questions", I said.

Me and Lupin sat on a bench. "What is it you want to tell me?" Lupin asked.

"You knew my parents. Did you know Black?"

Lupin sighed deeply and said, "I did. Or at least, I thought I did".

"Then, you know my relationship to him?" I asked.

"I do".

"I can't sleep at night because I can't help but think he's...I know everyone says he's after Harry, but I'm afraid he-I can't help but think he may be after me as well", I said. "You don't think he'd really try to kill me, do you? He did kill my dad".

"I didn't believe he would betray his friends. We don't know for certain that he killed your father", Lupin said.

"I know the story. He was in that alley with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew after Harry's parents were murdered. He killed the 12 muggles, Peter Pettigrew and my f-"

I stopped myself. He knew my parents and Sirius Black. Maybe he knew the Potters and Pettigrew as well. I was probably bringing back bad memories. I didn't want to make him sad.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I am bringing back memories. I don't mean to upset you", I said.

"It's alright. I want to know what you know about Sirius Black. I want to know how you're feeling", Lupin said.

There were so many things that I was feeling. His connection to my father's death, his relationship with my father, his escape from Azkaban. It made me feel so much emotions that made me want to burst.

"I feel angry. I hate him. I know he's dangerous and I'm no match for him. He killed my father and I'm afraid he'll come after me", I said.

"Aurelia, nothing bad is going to happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you", Lupin said. I nodded in understanding. "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"Only Harry", I said. "I have only told you and Harry".

"Do you want to speak to Dumbledore?" Lupin asked. I shook my head. "Let's go to my office. Perhaps a cup of tea will make you feel better".

I nodded. Professor Lupin and I stood up. We walked inside as 3rd years went to Hogsmeade.

As we walked inside, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me.


I sat in Lupin's office. We both drank our tea. "When was the last time you had a good night's rest?" Lupin asked.

"Um...ever since the night before Sirius broke into the castle. We were in the Shrieking Shack that night, but Hermione told me what happened", I said.

"Yes, Dumbledore has informed me as well. I understand you're worried, but you need your sleep. Is there anything that would help you get to sleep?"

"Mr. Snuffles, perhaps", I said before taking a sip of my tea.

"What do you do at night when you don't sleep?" Lupin asked.

"I read, I practice spells...that's about it. There's not much for me to do. Everyone is asleep", I said.

"What do you usually do when you're worried".

I thought to myself. I remembered when I hummed on the train. "I like to hum to myself", I said.

"Perhaps you could try humming to yourself".

"It's not a bad idea. I think I'll do that", I said. "Professor, there's something I don't understand. Mum always told me he was a good guy. What happened to him?"

"I don't know", Lupin said sadly.

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