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(Aurelia's outfit 👇🏾)

After Christmas, Lupin and I came back to his classroom to prepare for a full moon

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After Christmas, Lupin and I came back to his classroom to prepare for a full moon. We both sat in his office.

"It's nice to see that you are making friends", Professor Lupin said.

"I wouldn't describe it as making friends", I said. "Last time, I had a friend, I..." I paused. Yes, Lupin is a werewolf like me, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him why mum abandoned me.

What if he thinks I'm one of the werewolves who are bad? What if he abandons me too?

"Aurelia, you know you can tell me anything", Lupin said.

"I did something really bad. I don't want to talk about it", I said. I looked down. I couldn't bear the heavy weight and the guilt that laid on my shoulder.

"You seem so stressed lately. Tell me what's on your mind".

"I don't want to be abandoned by more friends. And if they find out what I did, they'll leave me".

I adjusted my sleeves to hide my scars. "It's understandable if you don't want to tell them. You don't have to", Lupin said.

I was thankful to have Lupin around. No one was really there for me after I became a werewolf.

My eyes widened when I realized something. I opened my satchel and searched through it. It was missing.

"It's gone", I said. I tried to hide my panic, but Lupin could tell I was freaking out.

"What's gone?" Lupin asked.

"I left something at the Shack. I have to get it", I said. I stood up and ran out of the room.

"Aurelia, wait!" Lupin called out, but I kept running.

I ran as fast as I could towards the Whomping Willow. When I got there, I used the Immobulus charm. Then, I went into the hole.

I ran for the Shrieking Shack. I had to get there. I can't believe I left the one thing I had left of my sister. Of Cassiopeia.

When I got to the Shrieking Shack, I was out of breath. That didn't stop me from going further.

I ran up the stairs and went to the room I usually go into during my transformations.

When I got to the room though, a man was standing in the room. And in his hand, was my family's Crest sewed onto a pin. The only thing I had left of my parents, my sister, my uncle, my grandparents, anyone in my family.

The man turned around. I saw his face. He wore his prison uniform under his jacket. His hair was shoulder length and his eyes screamed maniac.

It was him. It was Sirius Black.

I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him. "Give it to me", I said. Sirius steps closer to me. "You do know that I'm armed and you are no, right?"

"I'm not going to hurt you", Sirius said. "Are you Cassiopeia?"

"Cassiopeia died 6, almost 7 years ago. From Dragon Pox", I said.

Sirius looked at me for a long time. I wasn't sure if he was searching for signs that I was lying or not. His eyes softened with sadness.

"Aurelia", Sirius said.

I was confused as to why he seemed sad. He never showed that he cared for me or Cassiopeia or Mum.

"Hi Uncle Sirius", I said.

"You've uh...you've grown so much. You look so much like your mother", Sirius said.

I didn't say anything. I hate being reminded of my mother.

Sirius gave me the pin with the Family Crest. I grabbed it from him. Sirius quickly grabbed my wand from me and steps back.

I sighed. "You really want to do this? There's a reason why I haven't told anyone that you're an Animagus. My mother said that you were always a good person. I want to believe that part of you is still in there", I said.

"It is. It is still there. I need you to listen to me", Sirius said. "Pettigrew is alive. He's the one that killed those muggles, not me. I didn't betray James and Lily".

"I don't trust many people. How do I know you're not lying?" I asked.

"If I really wanted to hurt you, I would've already done it", Sirius said.

"You tried to kill me!"

"No. Aurelia, let me explain. I was trying to save you from Peter", Sirius said. "He too is an Animagus. He can transform into a rat".

"Scabbers?" I asked. Sirius nodded.

"He was going to kill you so I took his knife from him before you woke up".

"You were saving me?"

"I know we haven't spent much time together, but I care deeply for you".

"So you're not going to kill me?" I asked.

"No, Aurelia", Sirius said.

"I would deserve it", I said. Sirius looked confused. "You have no idea what I've done. Or what I am. Once I tell you everything, you're going to wish you had let Peter kill me".

I suddenly got lightheaded. I then remembered that I had not eaten anything food and I had ran all the way here.

I closed my eyes. I felt myself fall as I lost consciousness.

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