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I had fun at the Yule ball. It was great and all. Don't get me wrong, I had tons of fun with Fred. After the ball, though, all I could think about was Harry. My head was constantly screaming Harry, Harry, Harry.

I have no idea as to why. I was starting to think I was sick or something.

Imagine, an illness where a person is constantly thinking about Harry. Now, that's a nightmare.

The full moon that came a few weeks after the ball didn't make matters better.

Luckily, the second task of the Triwizard Tournament came.

The second challenge for the Tournament was at the Black lake. The champions had to rescue someone under water before an hour was over.

I stood beside Neville. I tried to listen in on what was happening underwater, but my hearing wasn't that enhanced.

"How come you didn't come back to the common room last night?" Neville asked.

"I did", I lied. "Professor Dumbledore wanted my help. I came in late".

"I came to tell you that you forgot your necklace in Herbology. You weren't in your bed this morning", Neville said.

I couldn't let him know that I'm a werewolf. Everything scares Neville. He'll leave me.

"You can tell me what's going on. I trusted you enough to tell you about my parents", Neville said.

"You'll hate me", I said. "You'll abandon me like mum did".

"Your mum abandoned you?" Neville asked.

I've already said to much. I may as well tell him.

"I'm a werewolf, Nev. I've been a werewolf since I was 5", I said. "Go ahead. Abandon me, scream at me, run away from me. I'm used to it".

To my surprise, Neville hugs me. I hugged him back and sighed deeply. I heard water splashing. I looked towards the water.

The first person to come out of the water was Cedric who rescued Cho.

Then, Krum came to the surface with Hermione. I ran towards the edge of the doc.

I helped Hermione out of the water Ron and Fleur's little sister came to the stop.

Fleur helped her sister and I helped Ron. Then, I saw Harry spits out of the water. Everyone cheered as Harry landed on the dock.

"Harry", Dumbledore said. I ran towards Harry. A towel was wrapped around him to keep him warm.

"Are you okay?" I asked Harry. Harry spits water out of his mouth.

"Yeah", He coughed.

Fleur and her sister approached us.

"You saved her even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister", Fleur said to Harry. "Thank you". Harry got a kiss on both cheeks from Fleur.

I smiled. Fleur looked at Ron. "And you, you helped", Fleur said.

"Well...yeah, a bit", Ron said.

I rolled my eyes. I knew that was a lie.

Fleur kissed him on the cheek. She took her sister's hand and walked away. Ron touched his cheek. "Mercy".

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now