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I was still behind the counter, working in the Leaky Cauldron. I was never given any real work, but I was poor so I needed to make money.

I have been working since after the last day of school. I didn't want to work here too long and let anyone discover my conditions.

I was wiping off the countertops when three wizards came into the room.

"Gentlemen, we're closing up. Do you want me to get you a room or something?" I asked.

The three of them stared at me. I went behind the counter. "Are you lots thirsty?" I asked, but I reached for my wand.

I know I'm not allowed to do magic outside of school, but if I have to use it to defend myself, the law will understand.

"Aurelia Adolpha", One of the men said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

I ducked behind the counter as the three of them fired a spell at me. I looked over the counter and shouted, "Expeliarmus!"

Not that it helped.

"Keep her alive", One of the Death Eaters said. "She'll want to see her cousin".


The glass to the cabinets shattered. I screamed in surprise. "Come out, Adolpha! Don't make this harder than it has to be", One of the Death Eaters said.

I grabbed a glass cup and threw it at one of the Death Eaters. It hit a Death Eater in the face.

I didn't know many defensive spells.

I hid behind the counter again. A chandelier suddenly fell from the ceiling and landed next to me.

I covered my head as glass exploded everywhere.

I heard the door open. More Death Eaters? Maybe I can make it to the fireplace and use Floo Powder.

I peaked over the counter to find the Death Eaters dueling with 4 people.

There were flashes of light throughout the room. I stayed hidden behind the counter.

The flashes stopped and everything went silent.

Suddenly, someone grabbed me. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the person who grabbed me.

"Let go of me!" I shouted as the person pulled me away from the counter.

I lowered my wand when I saw it was Remus Lupin. He was here with Professor Snape, Mad-eye Moody and a woman with pink hair.

"Lupin?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Are you alright?" Remus asked.

"Yeah", I said.

"Grab your things. We're leaving", Mad-eye said.

Since my home was right next door, I went there and packed my things for the school year and wherever we were going.

"Have you seen any other Death Eaters?" Remus asked.

"No. Those were the only ones I've seen all summer", I said. "How did you know I needed help?"

"We didn't. We were told to bring you to headquarters. When we arrived, we saw those Death Eaters", the woman with pink hair said.

"Headquarters?" I asked as I came out of my room. I had already taken off my apron to reveal my outfit for today.

 I had already taken off my apron to reveal my outfit for today

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