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After Christmas holidays, children returned to Hogwarts. I stayed at Hogwarts because I had no one at home to spend Christmas with.

One evening, I was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, doing my Divinations homework. Hermione and I have been thinking of quitting Divinations.

Ron approached me, holding his pet Rat, Scabbers. "Aurelia, you're good with animals, right?" Ron asked. I nodded. After taking care of Neville's toad, Neville spread word to the Gryffindors that I am good with healing animals.

At least he didn't mention I'm good with healing people too.

"I am. What do you need help with?" I asked.

"I think something's wrong with Scabbers. Look at him", Ron said. He sets Scabbers on the table.

Scabbers's fur was untidy and shedding. He seemed to have been loosing a lot of weight.

"Have you even been taking care of him?" I asked Ron.

"Of course I have. I've given him food, but he won't eat and he doesn't sleep. I don't know what's wrong with him", Ron said.

"How long has he been in the family?" I asked.

"12 years".

"That's strange. A rat's lifespan is 2 years or 12 months", I said. "Do you mind if I keep him with me tonight?"

"Okay. Please take care of him", Ron said.

"You have my word", I said.

I went upstairs to my dorm. Ginny was the only one in the dorm. I made a bed for Scabbers on my nightstand. I laid him into the bed before I took a look at him.

I had to hand feed him. I brushed and cut his fur.

As it got late, Hermione and Angelina Johnson returned to the dorm. I got to bed after I got Scabbers to eat.

The only conclusion I could come up with is that Ron's pet rat has reached the end of his life.

I looked at the rat. "You're a curious rat. I'm starting to think you're not a real rat", I joked.

I turned off my light and closed my eyes. I hummed to help myself calm down. Eventually, I fell asleep.


I woke up with the feeling that there was danger near. I saw a man standing next to my bed with a knife in his hand.

I turned on my light so I could see him, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.

But there he was. Standing by the side of my bed was Sirius Black.

I screamed as loud as I could. Angelina, Ginny and Hermione woke up.

Sirius ran out of the room. The three of my roommates looked towards the door when it slammed.

Hermione ran to me. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"I-I don't know. He had a knife. He was-he was going to kill me", I stuttered. "Sirius Black was going to kill me".

"I'll go get the Professors", Angelina said. She ran out of the room.


Everyone was awake and standing downstairs with Professor Mcgonagall. I sat on the couch, looking at the fire in the fireplace.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now