"I believe that when it comes to...friendship, there needs to be trust. You need to trust each other. And if you can't trust your best friends, who can you trust?" Sirius asked. Cordelia looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I trust you, Sirius", Remus said.

"And I trust you", Sirius said, grabbing Remus's hand.

Remus and Sirius looked at us. "Do you trust each other?" Remus asked.

"It's not that I don't trust him", I said. "I don't trust Cho. I also think Harry is being an dumb idiot".

"I think Aurelia is being confusing and ridiculous", Harry said.

"You could've done better", I said, not even looking at Harry. I crossed my arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked.

"You could've dated anyone else, but no it had to be Little Miss Perfect, Popular Ravenclaw Cho Chang", I said with disgust in my voice.

I don't know why I'm acting like this. I knew I had a crush on Harry, but Cho was a nice girl. Even if she is a goody two shoes.

"I get it. You're jealous because she's kind and she understands me, unlike you", Harry said.

"What does she understand? That you're selfish?"

"Selfish? I'm being selfish?"


"How am I selfish? Why can't you be happy for me?"

"Okay, okay!" Remus said quickly. "Harry, think from Aurelia's point of view. Can you understand why she's upset?"

"No. I can't. At first, she's happy about me fancying Cho and she starts teasing me. Now, she's...like this", Harry said in a more calmly tone.

"It's just-" I paused to sigh in frustration. "Sometimes you make me want to strangle you".

"Strangle me then", Harry snapped.


I stood up quickly. Remus quickly grabbed me. Sirius, for some reason, grabbed Harry. Mine and Harry's voices overlap as we shouted at each other.

"Both of you, sit down. If one of you dies, the other is grounded", My Uncle said.

"Aurelia, it's your turn now. Tell Harry why you're upset about Cho", Remus said

Me and Harry sat down, still glaring at each other. I didn't say anything. I crossed my arms and looked away from Harry.

"Lia", Remus said. "If something is troubling you, you should tell him".

I didn't say anything. I finally looked at Harry.

"She's not an emotional person", Harry said.

"And I'm not going to say anything", I said.

"You said something, though", Harry said.

"I didn't...shut up!" I snapped.

"I've had enough of this", Cordelia suddenly said.

"What, you think you can get her to open up?" Sirius asked, crossing his arms.

"Yes, Sirius, I can. You're being foolish", Cordelia said. "Potter, she's upset that you're dating Cho and because you're so into Cho. Aurelia cares about you. It's because she cares about you and because of what she is that she doesn't want to tell you how she truly feels".

We all looked at Cordelia. For the first time in a long time, my mother didn't look at me with disgust and anger.

"Am I correct?" Cordelia asked.

I nodded. "Wait, who would you have preferred I dated?" Harry asked.

"I don't know! Perhaps me!" I blurted. There was silence. I looked away from Harry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know", Harry said. "Aurelia, even if I'm with Cho, you and I will still be friends. She's not going to stop me from wanting to be your friend".

I looked at Harry furiously. Is he that clueless?!?!

Cordelia face palmed and Uncle Sirius looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table.

"Thanks", I said sarcastically.

"He's a clueless lad", Cordelia whispered to Sirius. "Oh Godric, he's like his father". She looked at me. "Why not one of the Weasley boys? Why not Ron?" I shrugged my shoulders.

Honestly, I'm wondering the same thing. I could've fancied Ron. Maybe Fred or George. I could've fancied Ginny.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel..."

"Abandoned?" I guessed.

"Y-Yeah. I'm sorry for making you feel that way", Harry said.

Behind Harry's back, Cordelia mouthed, "You dumb ass!"

Remus shakes his head and sighs. Sirius patted my shoulder.

"Are we allowed to leave now?" I asked Remus and Uncle Sirius.

Sirius sighed. "I guess so", he said. I stood up quickly and walked out of the room.

That was an epic fail

3rd person's point of view

Cordelia Black walked around Grimmuald Place. She went to her old room. She opened the door to her room and all the bad memories came back.

Cordelia turned around to see Sirius. "I was so happy to go to Hogwarts. I would finally be away from our parents", Cordelia said. "Do you ever miss him? Regulus?"

"Of course I do", Sirius said.

"I always wondered what our lives would be like if he ran away with us", Cordelia said.

"Perhaps he would still be alive", Sirius said sadly.

"Mum expected so much from us. She wanted me to marry a pureblood so badly. I never stopped to wonder how Regulus was feeling", Cordelia said. "I'm just like her now".

"You need to be more kind to Aurelia. She's still your child. She's a child that needs to be loved", Sirius said.

"You heard her. She didn't need me. I'm sure she doesn't need me now. Her and Remus are close. He's like a father to her. She needs him", Cordelia said.

Cordelia walked into her room of nightmares. She closed the door. She was now surrounded by the haunts of her childhood and the terrible past she left behind.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now