After the holidays, me and my friends returned to Hogwarts. A week after we returned, I went to the Room of Requirements where we would have our Meetings for Dumbledore's Army.

There was a photograph taped onto the mirror. It was a picture of the Original Order of the Phoenix.

I saw James, Lily, Remus, Uncle Sirius and Peter Pettigrew in the photo. They looked younger.

I looked to another photograph. It had Cedric. I pulled out a picture of mine. Cassiopeia and I as 5 year olds.

This picture was taken before I was bitten. We were so happy.

I heard the door open. I turned around to see Neville. "I'm guessing you heard that Bellatrix Lestrange escaped Azkaban", I said.

Neville nodded. I wrapped my arms around him. Cousin or not, I can't defend what she did to Neville's parents.

Neville is my friend and the things that Bellatrix did was wrong.

"We'll make them proud, Neville", I said.


We had our first meeting of Dumbledore's Army since before the break. This time, Seamus has joined us. Harry was teaching us how to cast a Patronus.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up", Harry said. "Keep trying, Seamus".

"Expecto Patronum", I said. Nothing happened.

"A full bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce but, shield forms can also be equally useful against a variant of opponents", Harry said. "Fantastic, Ginny!"

Ginny produced her patronus which was a horse. I closed my eyes and searched my thoughts. I didn't really have many happy memories.

"Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused", Harry said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Harry. "I'm trying my best. I don't have many happy memories", I said.

"I know. It's okay", Harry said. I sighed. "Just try your best".

Ron conjured a patronus. His patronus ran into Neville. Neville fell to the ground. Luna conjured a patronus which was a white hare.

I closed my eyes and thought of the times I spent with Sirius. "Expecto Patronum", I said.

Light spewed out of my wand, along with a wolf.

My freaking patronus is a wolf?!

I looked at Harry, who smiled at me. "A wolf? Really? Why can't it be a swan or a fox?" I asked.

"Well, it's not a bad thing", Harry said.

"Yeah. Easy for you to say. You're not the one who goes through excruciating pain every bloody full moon", I said.

I suddenly felt something dangerous. Me and Ron looked up to see the chandelier shake.

"Harry", I said. Harry looked at the chandelier.

There was a thud that kept getting louder and louder.

Me and Harry looked at each other. Everyone walked towards the wall, where the door used to be.

The glass on the wall shattered to reveal a wall with a hole in it. Harry and Nigel peaked through the hole.

On the other side was Umbridge and her crew. I grabbed Harry and Nigel and jumped out of the way. There was a explosion that broke the wall.

When the dust cleared, Draco grabbed Cho moving her into eye sight.

I glared at her. "I knew we couldn't trust her", I said, mostly to myself.

I looked at Harry. He looked betrayed. Umbridge had caught us all because of Cho Chang.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now