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In 12 Grimmuald Place, I was packing up my things for Hogwarts. I still thought about what my mother said to me. It distracted me as I put my things in my suitcase.

Eventually, I slammed my suitcase close and sighed. I sat on the ground, next to my bed. I looked down at the ground.

"Aurelia, I want to show you-...are you alright?"

I looked up to see Remus. "Yeah, I'm...I'm fine", I said. I lowered my head and didn't say anything else.

Remus came into the room. He sat next to me. "I wanted to show you this", Remus said. I looked at him. He gave me a picture.

I knew who the 3 people in the picture were. It was Uncle Sirius, Remus and my Dad.

"Was my Dad apart of the Order? During the first Wizarding War?" I asked.

"He was. So was your-" I looked at Remus with a stern look. "Your family member who shall not be named".

A small smile appeared on my face. I looked at the picture. I looked at my Dad. I really wish I had gotten to know him.

"5 months before you were born, your parents asked me to be your Godfather", Remus said.

I looked at Remus with surprise. "They did? What did you say? Are you my godfather?" I asked.

"I told them I wasn't the right person. If anything happened to them, I was not fit to raise a child. I'm dangerous", Remus said. "Your father told me that there was no one else he trusted more. He told me his children would be lucky to have me. I was afraid I'd be a danger to you and your sister, but your father never gave up on me".

"Remus, are you trying to tell me that you're my...my Godfather?" I asked.

Remus nodded. I stared at him speechless. I didn't know what to say. I stared back at the picture. Cordelia never told Cassiopeia and I that we had a godfather.

"I wanted to tell you ever since we met, but I thought you were better off without me", Remus said.

"What made you decide to tell me?" I asked.

"Your father wanted you to know that you will always have a home".

I looked at the photo. My father, Sirius and Remus looked happy. I wondered if I would ever be that happy.


Why did Hogwarts suddenly feel so gloomy? Maybe, it was because of Cedric's death. It maybe it was because of our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge.

Whatever the reason, it felt depressing and gloomy. I was suddenly distant from Harry. He was suddenly distant from Ron and Hermione.

I joined Ginny and Neville in the Great Hall. We were studying in silence until I said, "I was reunited with 'Mother of Abandonment' Adolpha", I said.

"Are you alright?" Neville asked. I shook my head.

"She's the reason why I have trust issues. What if she tries ruin my life? Or worse, what if she tells Umbridge what I am?" I asked.

"Even if Umbridge does find out, I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's not like she can have you expelled", Ginny said.

"No, but she still works for the Ministry. And if they find out what I did to Cassiopeia, they'll see me as a threat. And then...I don't know what will happen", I said.

"Explain to them that you're not a threat", Ginny said.

"It's not that easy. The Ministry isn't understanding", I said.

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now