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I stood outside the house, waiting for another excruciating night. My sister, Cassiopeia ran outside. I looked at her.

"What are you doing out here? Get inside", I said.

"I'm not leaving you", Cassiopeia said.

"Cass, I'm dangerous", I said.

"I don't want you to be alone".

"You're going to have to leave me. Please. If you stay out here, I could kill you. Please, Cass", I said.

I felt the excruciating pain that I was familiar with. "Go! Go, Cass!" I shouted. And then, I lost control.

Next thing I remember, it's morning. I opened my eyes to see blood on my hands and Cassiopeia laid dead in front of me.

I screamed for her to wake up and sobbed with the guilt that I felt. The guilt that would stay with me forever.

Suddenly, there was rain pouring down. I heard the door open. I turned around to see my mother walk out of the house. She looked at me, horrified.

"What did you do?" My mother asked. So much tears ran down my cheeks. She spoke again in a angry tone. "What did you do?!"

"I-I didn't mean to. I told her to leave a-and then I-I lost con-control", I stuttered through tears. I hated myself. At that moment, I saw myself as a monster.

My mother ran towards me and Cassiopeia. She checks her pulse. My heart was beating really fast. "She's dead", my mother said. Her lower lip trembled. She looked at me, hurt and disgusted. "You will leave this place".

"Wh-Where? I have no where else to go".

"I don't care".

"Mama, please. I don't want to go. I want to stay here. I don't want to be alone. Please", I sobbed.

"I don't care what you want. You don't know how hard I have worked to get the life I deserve! And you just had to mess it up!"

"Please. I'm sorry. Please. I'm your daughter", I said.

"You are a werewolf. Not my daughter", Mother said. Tears fell down my face. My mother picked up Cassiopeia.

She walked into the house. "Mama! MAMA!" I called out. I ran after her. The door slammed shut as soon as I reached it. I banged on the door, desperately. "Mama, please! Mama! Mama! Please! I don't want to be alone! Don't let me be alone!"

The terrible truth still haunts me to this day. I'm the werewolf who had killed my twin sister, Cassiopeia Adolpha.

I woke up to find myself screaming in my sleep. "Aurelia, wake up!" Sirius shouted. He had grabbed my arms and was shaking me. "Aurelia! Aurelia, wake up!"

I opened my eyes. I couldn't control my quickening breathing. "It's alright. It was just a dream. Here, hold my hand. You're going to be fine", Uncle Sirius said.

"Uncle-Uncle Sirius", I said shakily. "I lied about Cassiopeia's death".

I heard the door to the room open. I sat up to see Lupin pointing his wand at Uncle Sirius.

"Step away from her, Sirius", Lupin said.

"I'm not going anywhere, Remus. Do you really expect me to 'step away' from my niece?" Sirius asked.

"I won't let you kill her", Lupin said.

"I'm not trying to kill her. If it wasn't for me, Peter would have killed her".

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now