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I never would've imagined what had happened next. Before we knew it, it was time for the final challenge of the Triwizard Tournament. I stood next to Dumbledore as he made his speech.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory..." Hufflepuff cheered. "...and Mr. Potter..." Me and the rest of Gryffindor cheered. "...tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum..." Drumstrang cheered. "Miss Delacour". Beauxbatons cheered.

"First to touch the cup will be the winner", Dumbledore said. Everyone cheered. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she needs to send up red sparks with their wand". Dumbledore turned to the four contestants. "Contestants, gather around. Quickly". The four of them walked towards Dumbledore and he spoke to them.

After the champions spoke with Dumbledore, we all cheered.

"On the count of three. One-"

Before Dumbledore finished, the canon sounded. Me and Dumbledore looked at Filch, who stood next to the canon. Filch shrugged his shoulders.

I used my enhanced hearing to Dumbledore's mumbling. "I'm getting too old for this", he mumbled. I laughed.

Then, the contestants were off. They went into the maze and then the entrance closed.

After a long wait, the champions returned.

But Cedric was dead.

Harry was sobbing. "He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry shouted.

Mr. Diggory mourned for his son and Cho cried for her boyfriend, Cedric Diggory.

The 2nd Wizarding War started with the death of a victim.

(Thunder sound effect)

I noticed Mad-eye taking Harry away. I don't know if it was apart of my imagination, but it seemed suspicious.

I looked at Dumbledore. Even he seemed suspicious. I followed Harry and Mad-eye.

A few minutes later, I entered the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom. I walked up the stairs, listening to Mad-eye's and Harry's voice.

"It was you from the beginning. You put my name in the Goblet of Fire. You bewitched Krum", Harry said. "But-"

"But-But-But", Mad-eye mimics. "You won because I made it so, Potter. You ended up in that graveyard because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done".

I knew there was something off about him!

I pulled out my wand. I may not know much spells, but I know enough to give Harry time to escape.

"The blood that runs through these veins runs within the Dark Lord. Imagine how he will reward me when he learns I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter".

He raised his wand at Harry. I ran into the room. "Expeliarmus!" I shouted. Mad-eye's wand flew out of his hand.

"Harry, run!" I shouted.

We both ran out of the room. A blast came out of the room. It caused a small explosion which knocked me and Harry down the stairs.

I grabbed Harry's hand. "Go, go!" I shouted. Before we got to the door, Mad-eye came out of the room.

I tipped over a desk. Me and Harry ducked behind the desk. "I'm going to use the Petrificus spell, but I don't think I can do it from this angle. I need you to distract him", I said.

Harry nodded. He pointed his wand at Moody and shouted a spell. I ran towards one of the desks and tipped it over.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted, but the spell missed Moody.

He shot a spell which blew up the table in front of me. I yelped in surprise.

"Crucio!" Mad-eye shouted, pointing his wand at me. I screamed in pain.

The door was opened by a blast. Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Snape came into the room.

They fired a blast at Mad-eye which knocked him to the ground. Dumbledore and Snape ran towards Mad-eye.

I looked at my arm. It was bleeding. It must have been from the fall down the stairs.

"Lia. You're bleeding", Harry said.

"I'll be fine", I said.

"Do you know who I am?" Dumbledore asked Moody.

"Albus Dumbledore", Mad-eye said in a choking voice.

"Are you Alastair Moody? Are you?" Dumbledore asked.

Me, Harry and Professor Mcgonagall approached Dumbledore, Snape and "Mad-eye".

"No", Mad-eye said.

"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?" Dumbledore asked in a demanding tone.

"Mad-eye" looked towards the big black box in his classroom. We ran into the room. Professor McGonagall held me and Harry back as Snape opened the box.

Many boxes into the big box opened. Me, Harry, Snape, Dumbledore and McGonagall looked into the box to see the real Alastair "Mad-eye" Moody.

"Are you alright, Alastair?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm sorry, Albus", Mad-eye said.

"That's Moody, but then who's..." Harry started.

Snape opened up the bottle in his hand. "Polyjuice Potion", he said.

"Now we know who's been stealing from your storage, Severus", Dumbledore said. Snape and Harry looked at each other. Snape had a look that said, "I'm not apologizing".

He blamed Harry, didn't he?

"We'll get you up in a minute", Dumbledore said to Moody.

I looked at the impostor, who's been impersonating Mad-eye. He was changing back into his regular self.

His blonde hair turned brown, his eye rolled off his face.

I stepped closer to get a closer look at the man. He had his head down. He snarled and launched himself towards me.

Dumbledore pushed him back into the chair, Snape pointed his wand at the man and McGonagall grabbed me.

"Barty Crouch Jr.", Dumbledore said.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours", Barty Jr. said. He lifts up his sleeve to show the Dark Mark.

"Harry", I said. I gently grabbed his arm and lifted his sleeve. There were cuts on his arm.

I looked at Dumbledore. "You know what this means, do you?" Barty Crouch Jr. asked.

"He's back", I said. I looked at Barty Jr. with a horrified look.

"Lord Voldemort has returned".

Little Wolf: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now