Amity x Reckless!Reader (Romantic)

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Requested by @Excuse_My_Gayness


Story: Y/n does something reckless and gets hurt. Amity sees and scolds them for being careless.

Y/n = Your name
N/n = Nickname
L/n = Last name
F/f = Favorite food


Y/n was excited for the big grudgby game that night. They were the captain of the team, replacing Boscha after the witch had been caught cheating.

"You guys ready?" They asked their team. Kat gave a thumbs up. The other girls nodded. (Skara is in the Flyer Derby team at this point)

"Now let's get out there and play some grudgby!" Y/n pumped their fist in the air, confident and excited. Their team cheered.


Amity, Luz, Willow and Gus cheered from the bleachers. Y/n waved to them. They winked at Amity, who blushed at the gesture. Emira and Edric, who were also there, exchanged a knowing glance.

The ref blew the whistle once they were in position. Y/n took off immediately, grabbing the ball and dodging their opponent. They tossed it to Kat, who just barely missed a pit of spikes that appeared. She threw it through the goal, scoring the first point. Y/n gave a congratulating nod.

The next round was a bit more intense. Y/n used a plant spell to hold back a large hammer that rose out of the ground. They ran past and nearly got tripped by one of the members of the opposing team.

"I'm open!" One of their teammates yelled from across the field. Y/n dodged another opponent who tried to steal the ball and tossed it to her. They scored the next goal. The opposing team wasn't thrilled about that.

The next goal went to the opposite team. They cheered when they scored their first point. Y/n frowned.

'Don't worry Y/n, you're still ahead of them. You can do this,' they thought.

The next round, Y/n went straight for the goal. They summoned an abomination to throw them towards the goal. They hurled the ball through the goal and landed effortlessly afterwards.

Their friends cheered in exhilaration, excited at the suspense of the game. Amity cheered the loudest for Y/n, making them feel praised and giving them even more confidence.

The game went on. The Glandus team eventually tied with them at a 9 point score. This was the last play, at 45 seconds.

"We can win this, guys. Just one more play and we'll be victorious-" Y/n smiled mischievously. They were confident in their ability to win, not caring that the other team may be scheming.

The round started and Y/n grabbed the ball, shoving past the Glandus kid. They ran and blocked some magic traps along the way, the goal in clear shot. They summoned a thorn vault and launched forward. They decided to make it flashy and had it set on fire behind them.

One of the members smirked and drew a spell circle to making the vault thornier and the flames caught up to Y/n. They noticed this.

"Wha-" Y/n looked down at the last second, feeling the heat hit them furiously. They still managed to make the goal, but tripped over one of the thorns on the vault, leaving a cut on their leg while they fell. Y/n yelped when they hit the ground.

The crowd cheered that their team had one, but Amity was just worried about Y/n.

"Y/n!" Amity hopped over the railing and ran over to them. It was technically allowed since the game was over. She knelt down beside them. They had been burnt slightly and had a gash on their leg. Y/n grimaced, wincing as they sat up.

"Oh boy. Let's get you to the healer-" Amity picked them up bridal style. Y/n would have been flustered if they weren't in so much pain. The witch rushed the Grudgby captain to the healer and lay them down.

The nurse looked at her wounds. "These aren't serious burns, but that scratch looks nasty. I'll see what I can do for you mx L/n," she said and left the room to look through her medical supplies.

"Y/n you idiot, what were you thinking-" Amity took their hand in hers.

"Sorry.. I was just trying to win-"

"Yeah, you did, but you got hurt. Those burns could have been a LOT worse."

"...But they weren't, right?"

"Y/n L/n I swear to Titan, you need to be more careful! You could have been seriously hurt, or worse. You're always too reckless. I mean, remember the last few times you were at the healer's? You did some crazy science experiment and blew up half of the classroom and nearly started on fire, you broke your arm while trying to fly your brother's staff, and you angered a slitherbeast and tried to fight it by yourself-" Amity scolded.

Y/n looked away, a bit guilty.

"You need to be more cautious, N/n. It just-" Amity squeezed their hand. "It makes me worried. I don't want you to get hurt."

Y/n smiled. "Okay."

Amity looked up.

"I'll try to be more careful from now on. I can't make any promises, but- I'll try."

Amity smiled softly. "Thank you, N/n."

The lavender-haired witch leaned down and hugged them, trying to be gentle because of the injuries. Y/n embraced her back, even if it kind of hurt.

"Uh, so- to make up for- you know, worrying you? How about we go on a date and get some f/f this weekend? If you're free-" Y/n suggested. Amity blushed.

"Uh, y-yeah- yeah! I'd love to-" she stuttered a bit. Y/n chuckled at that and pulled Amity down so they could kiss her on the cheek. The witch's face turned tomato-red and and hid her face in her hands, a bit shy.

"Awww-" they heard someone say. They turned and saw Luz, Willow, Gus, Emira and Edric all spying on them from the door. They saw they noticed them and quickly ran away, giggling.

Amity narrowed her eyes. "I'll be right back," she said. She left the room, looking just the slightest bit mad and a tad embarrassed.

Y/n heard a loud bang and a scream. They sighed dreamily. "I love her-" they said as they heard a something crash.


A/N: I had loads of fun writing this one! Hope you enjoyed. MIGHT make a part 2 of the date if I get around to it. Who knows-

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