Edric x Witch!Reader (P) - This is Where the Fun Begins

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Requested by idkmanjustamhere67

Story: Edric and Y/n cause chaos.

"Heyy Y/n!" Edric appeared behind the witch, smirking. They looked up and smiled.

"Hey Ed. What's up?" They raised an eyebrow. Y/n already figured on what he would ask. They knew that look.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to know if you would accompany me to the Violent Plants Greenhouse... just for fun, of course-" he said with a hint of mischief hidden in his voice.

Y/n chuckled. "Yeah, sure. Just let me pack up here and we can go," they said.

Edric waited for Y/n to finish their assignment on mind hypnosis for Illusions class, and gather up their things. They headed off towards the greenhouse.

When they arrived, the greenhouse had about 10 or so people in there. Perfect amount. They walked around, seemingly innocent. But little did the poor souls know what was about to happen.

Edric nudged his friend and pointed to a sign that said: "Do not feed the plants."

They snickered and Y/n took out a cracker from the bag they saved from lunch. The plant they were nearby opened its mouth and the witch placed the cracker inside.

It immediately began screeching for more, snapping at them. It was communicated to all the other plants that there were crackers. Soon all of them were snapping at people, screeching and trying to detach themselves from their pots.

Edric grabbed Y/n's hand and they sprinted out of there, laughing their behinds off while the people inside the greenhouse screamed in terror.

"That was awesome. What should we do next?" Y/n asked.

"Hmm, maybe we could go to the firebee keeping house?" Edric suggested.

"Oh ho ho, that'll be fun!"

They spent the rest of the day freaking the hell out of everyone and pulling pranks. Oh what good friends they were, but oh how bad kids they are.


A/N: Sorry it's short. I didn't have the biggest spark of ideas, but there are other upcoming oneshots that will have much more depth. Hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night! ☄

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