Emira x Witch!Reader (R) - Eyes Like the Universe

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April 4, 2023

Requested by -spxcytxlxps-

Story: Just some fluff between you and Emira.

"Hey Y/n," Emira poked Y/n. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n."

"Hm?" They looked up from their book. "What is it, Em?"

"Can I come over tonight?" She asked, twirling her hair. She didn't often have her hair down, but she liked when Y/n played with it.

"I guess so. My parents are on another trip to the Emperor's Castle, so..." Y/n shrugged.

"Yes! Can't wait, N/n!" Emira gave them a quick peck on the cheek before leaving to get ready. Y/n blushed and stared after Emira. They always got flustered because of her.


Emira knocked on Y/n's door, excitedly rocking back and forth on her feet while she waited. Her crush answered.

"Hey Em," Y/n smiled. "Come on in!"

"Hi N/n!" Emira hugged them. Y/n blushed a bit again and hugged her back. Emira then followed them inside.

"I tried to make dinner. It might be the greatest, but I thought I could do something nice," Y/n told her, walking into the dining room.

Emira gasped. "Aww, you didn't have to!" She lightly nudged them.

"Who said I couldn't, though?" Y/n winked. It was Em's turn to blush now. She mentally slapped herself and sat down at the table.

"Oooh! Mac and scream! And shriek (steak)! My favorite!" Emira said excitedly.

"Heh, yeah, I thought you might like it," Y/n said and sat down. "Help yourself!"

Emira took some mac and scream and a slice of shriek. Y/n then helped themselves.

Emira kept glancing at Y/n while they ate. They were so thoughtful, and nice, and a badass... oh if only they really knew how she felt about them. They would flirt often and maybe hug or kiss a few times, but neither ever actually admitted how they were so in love.

"Em? Is everything okay?" Y/n asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, everything's fine N/n," Emira said and nodded quickly, her face red. Oh Titan, she always ended up staring at them. It probably looked creepy.

After they ate dinner, they got comfortable to watch some crystal ball. They were watching some movie series called Constellation Battles. This guy was terrible at flirting. He kept talking about sand to that poor girl. Emira didn't sound that bad, did she?

"Ha, I could do better," Y/n commented as if though they read her thoughts. "Talking about sand isn't a great way to win over someone."

Emira nodded. "Yeah, he should just tell her that she looks pretty or that her personality is cool. For example, Y/n, I love your eyes. They're like the gateway to the whole universe," Emira told them. She said it as an example, but she honestly felt that way. Their eyes were quite beautiful.

Y/n blushed. They knew Emira probably didn't really mean it, but it still started a small fire in them. If only she knew how they felt.


Emira and Y/n were curled up in their room, watching the moon rise. Emira looked into their eyes again, thinking about her comment from earlier. She tried to bite her tongue, but Emira couldn't help herself.

"Your eyes. They're the universe itself. At least, they look that way to me," she whispered. Y/n looked at her slowly.

"Em? Do you mean that?"

"Yes, Y/n. I-" she hesitated. Oh, screw it.

"I think I love you."

Y/n's face turned all red. She really likes me? Oh Titan, say just something!

"I love you too!" They blurted out. Emira seemed to relax, as if a heavy burden were lifted. They liked her back. Oh yes! She had dreamed of this day for years now.

"Can I kiss you?!" They asked each other at the same time. They blushed and laughed.

"Please do," Y/n said. Emira grabbed their face and kissed them. It was a soft one, despite their excitement. Emira pulled away.

"That was nice," Y/n commented, still blushing.

"Yeah. We should get some sleep now," Emira suggested.

Y/n nodded and lay down on the bed. Emira layed next to them, hugging them tight. "Night, N/n."

"Good night, Emira."


A/N: It's good to be back! I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll try to get the next oneshot out this week. Have a great day/night! ☉🌙

P.S: Are you excited for the Owl House finale? Are you gonna cry really hard like me? What are your predictions?

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now