Caleb x Clawthorne!Reader (Romantic) Part 1

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Not a Request! Part 1


Story: Caleb meets Y/n Clawthorne at a bar. Philip teases him for getting a crush, which annoys Caleb.

P.S. I drew the picture above lol ^ ik it's kinda bad- (I'm still improving ok-)

Also this is another one where Philip isn't a jerk. Ik that's his whole character but does it look like I give a crap-


"Come on, it'll be fun. Plus I'm thirsty-" Philip said.

"Ugh, fine. You know I don't like drinking though-" Caleb crossed his arms.

"Just get some apple blood or something, sheesh-" Philip dragged his brother into the bar.

They sat down at the counter. Philip ordered some weird fire honey drink and Caleb got an apple blood. He looked around at all of the different witches and demons, used to their uniqueness by now. One particular witch caught his eye and made his heart skip a beat.

He nearly choked on his apple blood. Titan, they looked astounding. He looked them up and down, their appearance really appealing. Philip noticed his brother eyeing up a witch and he smirked.

"Uh ohhh-" he poked the other human.

"What?" Caleb looked at him.

"Somebody's in loveeee~" he teased.

"Wh-" Caleb's face and ears heated up. "Shh! I am not-" he denied.

"Yeah you are. I'm not blind, Caleb. I see you eyeing that witch over there. Quite attractive, ain't they?" Philip nudged his brother.

"Stop it-" Caleb warned, annoyed.

"Or what? Come on, lighten up a bit. You know you wanna go talk to them-"

"I- no way!" He took a sip of his apple blood.

"When are you gonna stop being such a wimp around people you like?" Philip rolled his eyes and swirled his drink in the glass.

"I am not a-" Caleb began but his brother interrupted him.

"You are, and you know it. You're always making excuses like 'i HaVe To Do SoMeThInG-' or 'tHeY lOoK bUsY-'. Just go talk to them. They might even like you," Philip said. He noticed that the witch his brother was clearly interested in was looking at him. They seemed interested in Caleb, side-eyeing him while talking to another demon.

"Trust me," Caleb's younger brother smiled. Caleb bit his lip and looked over at the witch again. He caught their eye and he blushed a little, glancing away. He sighed.

"Okay-" he stood up. His nerves sky-rocketed as he made his way over to them. Philip took a sip of his drink and watched.

"Hello," Caleb said to the witch.

"Hey there," they said. They looked him up and down. "I don't see many that look like you around here."

"Well, yeah, I guess you wouldn't see a human that often-" Caleb rubbed the back of his neck. They held up a finger.

"No, I mean I don't see many people that handsome around here," they took a swig of whatever they were drinking. The human blushed.

"O-Oh. Thank you, you look nice too. Really nice-" he uttered. He had never really flirted with anyone before, so he had no idea what he was doing.

The witch grinned at his awkwardness. They liked that, it was funny and a bit alluring at the same time.

"So, got a name, human?" They asked.

"Caleb. Caleb Wittebane."

"Y/n Clawthorne. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you too, dear-" he smiled. Oh frick. Did he just call them dear? Was that too forward? He was freaking out.

'Aw, he called me dear. I like this one,' they thought.

"So, that other human. Who's he?" They pointed at Philip.

"Oh that's Philip, my younger brother. He can be a little annoying sometimes-" Caleb said.

"I heard that!" Philip yelled from across the bar.

"No you didn't!" Caleb shouted back. Y/n laughed. They had a nice laugh. The human blushed a little. He liked them a lot already.

"So, what are you drinking?" He asked them.

"Apple blood with fire bee honey and sugar. It's extremely strong this way. I'm used to it, but I doubt a human like you could handle it," Y/n said.

"Pff, nah. I could totally handle it!" He insisted. "Let me try it-"

"Okay then," they shrugged and handed him the bottle. Caleb took a sip.


Turns out he couldn't handle it. He got really drunk and passed out.

"Wow, that really knocked him out. What was in that drink?" Philip asked Y/n as he held carry his brother.

"Apple blood, fire bee honey and lots of sugar. Pretty strong stuff. Tastes really good, though. Anyways, where are we taking him? You gotta place to stay?" They asked the other human.

"Oh, no. We just travel and never really stay in one place."

"Well, wanna crash at my house tonight? At least until this dork wakes up-"

"If it wouldn't be any trouble-?"

"Nah, it's fine. I live alone, except for my palisman. I have plenty of room."

"Okay then-"


The next morning, Caleb woke up in a place he didn't recognize. He looked around and saw Philip asleep nearby. He poked his brother.


His brother groaned and blinked awake. "Whaaaat?"

"Where are we?" He asked the tired human.

"Your new partner's house. Now let me sleep-"

"Partner- Philip, Y/n and I are just friends-" he narrowed his eyes.

"I never said who it was!" Philip chuckled. Caleb blushed.

"Hey. You got knocked out pretty hard last night. Told ya you couldn't handle that drink."

"Oh hush, I'm just not used to the drinks here yet. Maybe one day I'll be able to drink it and not pass out."

"Yeah, sure-" Y/n rolled their eyes. "Wait, shouldn't you be like super hungover right now?"

"I don't know what that means-" Caleb said.

"You know, the side effects of being drunk. Headaches, vomiting-" Y/n explained.

"Oh, no I feel fine. Maybe the drinks here don't have that effect on humans-" Caleb suggested.

"Well, anyways. You two are free to stay here as long as you want, or if you ever need a place to stay you can come here."

"Really? I mean, we just met and stuff.. we wouldn't want to be a burden," Caleb asked.

"Oh, it's fine. I wouldn't mind having company once in awhile. Or for longer, perhaps?" They raised an eyebrow suggestively at Caleb. He blushed and looked away.

"Heh, yeah. Thanks," he smiled.


A/N: I can't decide who I like more, Caleb or Philip. Help me. Hope you enjoyed!

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