Luz x Siren!Reader (Romantic) Part 2

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Not a Request! Part 2


Story: Luz goes back to the beach to hang out with Y/n.


Luz was just drawing in her sketchbook on a nice, Friday morning. Hexside had already got out for the day so sh was a bit bored. She sketched a small, cute looking fish. She just stared at it for a moment before bolting upwards. That's right, Y/n! She said she would visit them again someday!

Luz changed into her swimsuit, and grabbed her phone and a few other things before stuffing them in her bag and raced down the stairs. "I'MGOINGTOTHEBEACHEDASEEYOULATERBYE-" she blurted out as she ran past, opening the door and slamming it behind her. She then opener it again. "Can I borrow your staff-?" she asked.

"Um, sure?" Eda called Owlbert over and gave Luz the staff.

"Kay thanks Eda byeeeeee-" Luz said and ran out the door again.

"Ugh, kids-" Eda chuckled and and shook her head after the human had took off.


"Okay, if I remember correctly the beach should be... this way!" She swerved Northeast, keeping an eye out below for it. It wasn't long before she spotted it and brought the staff to the ground. She set it off to the side with her bag and taking over the clothes she put on over her swimsuit.

She ran to the dock and peered into the water, looking for any sign of the siren. She frowned when she didn't see anything. "Hmm.. I wonder where she-"

Just then, something swam up super fast, and broke out of the water's surface. It was Y/n! They grabbed Luz' hands.

"Oh hi Y/nnAAAAAA-" Luz screamed as Y/n pulled them into the water. She came back up to the surface and gasped. The siren cackled, amused.

"You could have.. given me a warning-" Luz smiled, out of breath.

"That's the fun of surprises though. Anyways, how have you been? It's been too long," Y/n asked, tilting their head.

"Pretty good, how about you?" Luz swam a bit closer.

"Eh, okay, kind of boring without you though-" Y/n said.

"Aw, you miss me?" Luz giggled, making Y/n blush.

"I mean, yeah-" they played with the water a bit, making mini waves. "You're kind of the only person I've really talked to in a long time-"

"How long?" Luz asked, curious.

"Quite a few years. I used to be friends with this girl, a witch, but one day she just disappeared. Dunno where she went, don't even remember her name. She was older than me, I think..? I'm actually unsure, like I said, it was a really long time ago," Y/n explained.

"Hmm.. well if you want to find the truth, I'm sure I can help! I've discovered plenty of mysteries before!" Luz assured Y/n.

"Heh, thanks Luz. You're very sweet.." Y/n pushed some hair out of their face, glancing away from the human out of shyness.

"No problem Y/n."


[410 years ago]

"Evelyn! Evelyn dear, where are you?"

"I'm up here mum!" The little witch, Evelyn Clawthorne called. Her mother looked up and sighed.

"Evelyn come down from that tree, you'll get hurt," she told her daughter.

"Ugh, but mum, how will I ever become the bravest witch on the Isles if you never let me do stuff!" Evelyn whined as she hopped down from the tree.

"Tell you what, how about you go play by the beach? To keep yourself entertained," her mother told her.

"But isn't the water boiling?" The young witch questioned.

"Not all of it-" her mom winked, making Evelyn gasp a bit in surprise. She took her hand and led her through the woods. They reached a large open area next to the ocean, the waves rocking against the sand calmly.

"Ooh! So pretty!" Evelyn smiled and ran towards the water. She peered at her reflection, a bit nervous. She carefully touched the water, then quickly realized it was safe. She grinned in happiness and cheered, practically diving straight in. Her mother laughed at the joyfulness of the little witch.

"I'll be right by the cottage, alright dear? Yell if you need me!" She said and walked back into the woods.

"Okay mum!" Evelyn answered, before turning her attention back to the water. She giggled as she splashed around making little waves and stuff as she messed around. That's when Evelyn heard a little laugh come from somewhere close.

The witch turned and saw a witch- or fish? Something watching her. It noticed and gasped, dipping below the surface in a panic.

"Woah-" Evelyn gasped. Whatever it was, it looked cool. She swam over to where she saw it and ended up bumping right into it. "Ack-"

"Ow!" The creature yelped, their voice muffled by the water. They resurfaced, rubbing their head, before stopping and finally looking at Evelyn, who stared wide-eyed and full of questions.

"Um... hey-" the creature said hesitantly.

"Hi! You look... so awesome!" Evelyn gave a toothy grin, excited to encounter something so exciting.

"Oh- th-thank you!" The creature smiled.

"What are you?" The witch asked, tilting her head.

"I'm a siren. And you're a witch, aren't you?"

"Yup! My name's Evelyn Clawthorne! What's yours?" Evelyn leaned in, very fascinated with this interesting siren.

"I'm Y/n!"


A/N: About damn time I put out something real huh? Sorry it isn't a requested oneshot, but I just got random inspiration for this story. Also yes, Evelyn is the same from canon. I will definitely be making part 3, as I have a lot more lore planned for this story lol. Have a great day/night!

P.S: Make sure to check out my Q&A! Drop some questions for me!

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