Guys... It's Time.

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Hey, guys. So... there's no easy way to say this.
I'm going to have to end the book here.

It's been a long, hell of a run and I've enjoyed writing one-shots, reading your comments and getting your support. The fact is, I don't really have any time to write or the ideas to do so. I'm really sorry to the people whose requests could not be completed. I'm busy with school, I've been having issues within my friend circle, dealing with medical issues, etc...

Now, just because this book is ending, does not mean that I will be gone for good. I will probably continue to work on projects here and there in my free time that I will eventually post. I will be making an art book (inspired by my best friend, Sage [ratt57]) so you guys can check out art and other cool stuff I make! I will also probably continue to make songs and post the lyrics in my song book.

If you want to see other content from me, check out my Pinterest [ ] or follow me on Amino [ {P.S: Might create an amino so we can all talk and hang out! If you guys are up to that, let me know!}] for updates, or if you want to just talk, I'm always open to new friends! Don't be afraid to DM me!

Who knows, maybe one day I'll make a oneshot book volume 2!

But for now, I will be saying goodbye to this wonderful book. Thank you all for reading and those from the future who may be seeing this as well. I love all of you so much, and I'll hopefully see you guys again soon!

The End

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now