Collector x Human!Reader (Romantic) Part 2

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Not a Request! Part 2


Story: Collector disappears for a few days and worries Y/n. What soon comes surprises them more than ever.


Y/n noticed something was off. Collector hadn't appeared to them today.

'That's odd..' they thought. Collector always popped up during school, or before or after. He'd always ask to play games or just talk. Sometimes he'd help them cheat on homework and tests too, but don't tell anyone that.

It happened the next day too. He never showed up. Y/n started to get worried. Where was he? Was he in danger? Did he not want to be their friend anymore? The thought of that nearly made Y/n cry. No, Collie wouldn't do that. He wouldn't simply just get bored of his best friend when they spent nearly every waking moment with him.

It was only until the next day they were confused and very concerned. Then something insane happened.

Y/n was at their locker, thoughts racing through their head about the absence of their best friend. They sighed and shut it.

"H E Y   Y / N -" Collector practically screamed.

"AH JESUS CHRIST- COLLIE! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT-" They pinched the bridge of their nose. Wait. W a i t.

"...Collector?" They looked at him. He was there. Like actually there. He had orange and blue skin, pure white hair, and purple-ish clothes. His red eyes glowed with excitement.

"What- how?!" They smiled, immediately hyped up.

"Let's just say I had a bit of help when it came to freeing me. So now we cam play together for real now!" Collie grinned widely and hugged Y/n, making them blush a little.

"Yeah! That'd be awesome," they said, hugging him back.

"Oh, and you can meet my new friend King too! He's so cool!" Collector said.

"King? As in an actual king or is his name King-?"

"His name is King. Which is a pretty weird name if you ask me-"

"COLLECTOR is kind of a weird name-" Y/n pointed out.

"Fair point."

Collector grabbed their hands and suddenly everything went really bright. Then they were in a completely different place.

Around them were many light blue colored walls and sun, moon and star related things. It was.. amazing.


"Welcome to my castle! Sort of. Come on, you can meet King!" Collector said, running off.

"Hey, wait up!" Y/n hurried to catch up to Collector.

"You're so slow, Y/n!" He said, waiting for them to catch up. They took a moment to catch their breath.

"Well gee, sorry I'm just a human and you're a cosmic deity filled with energy-" Y/n said sarcastically.

"I guess that is a good poi-"

"T A G-" Y/n interrupted loudly, poking Collie in the arm. They giggled and took off running down the corridor.

"HEY NO FAIR!" Collector whined and ran after them. Y/n laughed as they ran, glancing behind them from time to time. They suddenly came across a room that looked a lot like a throne room, where a little demon was pacing around. They assumed it was King, since there wasn't really anyone else in the palace.

"YES!" Y/n cheered as Collector entered the room. King looked up in confusion.

"Oh fine, you win-" he grumbled.

"Aw come on, you let me win," Y/n punched his arm lightly.

"Maybe. But only because you're my very very very bestest best friend!" Collector poked them as he spoke.

"Uhhh, hi.." King said quietly. Y/n looked down at him and smiled.

"Hey, you're King, right?" He nodded. "Collector told me about you-" they said.

"Are you.. human?" He asked, looking confused.

"Yup, round ears and all. Collie here told me about the demon realm and witches and stuff. I'm so excited to be here!" Y/n grinned like an idiot. Collector smiled at them, happy they were happy.

"I can't wait to give you the tour! Don't mine the people, they may get a bit.. intimidated by me sometimes, but they don't understand just how fun I can be yet!"

"Damn right they don't-" they winked at him. He giggled. "You wanna come, King?" He asked the little demon.

"Nah, I think I'm good here," he said, looking away.

"Suit yourself," Collie shrugged and took Y/n's hand, making them blush a little. He led them out of the room and down the halls of his castle once again.

There was a moment of silence before Y/n piped up. "I'm so excited right now! I can't believe you're actually like- here!" They gestured to him.

"I know, right! I'm so happy to be out after all those years and years and years and years of being stuck in that place! Now we can play all the games we want and have so much fun!" He grabbed them by the hands and pulled them up into the air with him.

"Woah!" Y/n gasped when they were suddenly afloat. They smiled at Collector, who grinned back and pulled them along. They flew down the halls towards the exit of the palace. When they were outside, Collector flew them all the way up to the clouds.

Y/n gasped when they saw the sight before them. A massive island, bones curving in from the sides and spread out across the whole isle. It was..

"Beautiful.." they breathed.

"I know! It's SO COOL!" Collector yelled happily and hugged Y/n. They hugged back, trying to contain their giddiness.

"Let's go!" Collie said and began to fly them down. They flew just above the trees, looking at all the strange creatures and odd plants as they passed.

Y/n was just utterly enchanted by this place. This was way cooler than dusty old Earth where everything is boring. Here it's all unique and creative! So many possibilities, they couldn't stop grinning. Collie saw their expression of pure joy and couldn't help but genuinely smile out of love. They were so cute when they were amazed.

"I wanna show you something!" Collector pulled them up higher and higher until they reached the top of the Knee, as they called it. Y/n shivered a bit from the cold when they landed, so Collie summoned a nice fluffy coat for them.

"See?" He said, gesturing to the full length of the Isles. It was even more gorgeous from up there than it was just flying! The sun just happened to be setting, so it looked even more beautiful.

This was everything Y/n could have ever wanted. Watching the sun set on a different world, where they could see all with no limits or restrictions, just endless possibilities awaiting. And it was all with the person they cared the most for.

They had everything they needed right there.


A/N: Happy endinggggg! I know it's a bit anti climatic but I tried to make it as sweet as I could. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter!

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