Giraffes (Short Special)

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"Hey guys, why don't we go to the zoo? Seeing the animals always cheers me up!" Luz suggested.

"Oh my gosh, heck yeah! I want to see a giraffe!" Gus cheered.

"Sounds like fun!" Willow smiled. Amity and Hunter nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go!" Luz said.


After they got ready to go out, Camila drove the gang to the zoo. Vee rode in the front seat while the others rode in the back.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see an actual giraffe up close!" Gus squealed.

"Wait- weren't giraffes banned for a reason?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, I thought they were like, absolutely terrifying-" Amity raised an eyebrow.

"Eh they can't be that bad-" Gus waved a hand dismissively.

-At the Zoo-

"See! He looks friendly!" Gus smiled. The others stood farther back, nervous.

"Hey Mr. Giraffe!" Gus waved to the creature. It swiveled it's head to look at him.

Suddenly it opened it's jaws wide, revealing horrifying teeth and let out a disgusting shriek. The witches and basilisk screamed and ran away, terrified. Camila and Luz just stood there, looking stunned.

"I was... not expecting that at all," Luz shuddered.

"Let's go round them up and go to the park instead-" Camila said. Luz nodded hurriedly and they backed away.


A/N: Just a fun little short I thought of after seeing the trailer. Also I wanted to keep you guys entertained because it might be awhile before I can get another oneshot out. Some crazy drama with a friend just went down and my mental state kind of just plummeted into the bottomless pit again- I need a bit to figure things out and recover. I'll maybe put up an analysis A/N on the episode when it comes out next Saturday. Have a great day or night y'all :)

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