Alador x Witch!Reader (R) - Old Flame

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That's my younger boy cat, Loki. He's a crazy one ^

Requested by: @pissshitandpuke, @CoinBenny and @Snowdragneel4125

A/N: Like three people requested Alador oneshots awhile back, so I decided to do all of yours in one. One just wanted an Alador x reader, another wanted a spicy oneshot, and the other wanted a fluffy oneshot with Y/n being an old friend. So I'm combining those!

Y/n (girl) meets Alador again as adults! Things will get interesting. Hope you enjoy!

Story: Y/n meets Alador again years after they went to Hexside together. Despite being married to Odalia, Alador wants to be with Y/n again.

Alador was working on his forst version of the Abomaton so they could sell to their customers. Odalia thought it'd be a great idea to make profit and to make an example to Amity about what happens when she makes friends with troublemakers.

Alador didn't see the problem with her new friends. He never really liked her hanging out with Boscha and those other girls. He knew they pushed her around and made her do stuff that she was uncomfortable with.

Of course, Odalia being.. Odalia, she wouldn't let him interfere. He did strike a deal when they were still kids that they shouldn't get involved in her nefarious schemes to make money. He didn't want them getting hurt or abused emotionally and physically.

He sighed and kept working on the Abomaton, Odalia drinking tea behind him. He heard someone storm into the room.

"Hello? Mr. and Mrs. Blight?" Someone called.

Alador recognised the voice as the human's. He ripped off a failed abomination arm and flung it at the wall behind him. He kind of intended to hit Odalia but it missed.

Luz yelped when it hit the wall right next to her.

"Oh don't mind him, dear. He's getting ready for our big demonstration tonight. It's lookin' good hon!" She said to him. Alador rolled his eyes and kept working.

"I'm here to appeal to your hearts, Blights!" Luz declared.

"That's sweet, but let's get to the deal," Odalia began. "We have a rather important presentation tonight showing off some new products."

Luz looked over at Alador. "Like... abominations?"

"Something like that. Normally Amity helps us with these things, but she's busy catching up on schoolwork..." Odalia looked at Luz while swirling her tea.

The human sighed. "I get it, I'll help you show off your weird abomination gunk if you promise to let me and my friends back into school!"

Odalia smiled a bit sinsisterly. "Don't worry human, a Blight always holds up their end of the deal. Now you might want to go get ready, because we have..."


"...a long night ahead of us folks! Welcome back to Blight Industries!" Odalia said to the crowd. Luz laughed nervously, standing next to Alador. He felt kind of bad for the girl. Of course Odalia would drag the poor human into this. He disliked the way she made deals sometimes.

Luz turned to Amity's father. "So, Alador- what would you say is the specialty of Blight Industries?"

"We make a variety of abomination-based accessories for home security," he said.

"Oh, that sounds pretty safe!" Luz said, relaxing.

Alador almost hesitated to continue. "But we specialize in weaponry. You might want to duck.." he told her and walked to the side of the stage.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now