Special - Movie Night

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What would the characters do with you on movie night?


Luz - She would cuddle with you, get snacks, probably fall asleep on your lap/leaning on you.

Eda - She would try not to show her flusteredness as you snuggle up next to her, she could barely focus on the movie.

Lilith - She would sit close but not overstep boundaries, she would chat with you about the movie (and probably talk about how it's not historically accurate or something depending on what movie it is), and eat snacks with you.

King - He would curl up next to you with Francois, and steal a bunch of the snacks you brought. He would especially fall asleep after mocking and complaining about the movie.

Amity - She would get a gay panic and try not to show it. You notice and would snuggle up by her, maybe kiss her on the cheek which leaves her a blushing mess. You watch the movie together and eventually fall asleep cuddling.

Willow - She would simply cuddle with you and watch the movie. Maybe a little flirting happens, but not much more.

Gus - He gets a bit flustered when you sit close to him. He tries to flirt and fails, but you reassure him that you still like him (even if he has terrible pickup lines). You cuddle and watch the movie.

Hunter - He is confused when you sit really close to him and lean on him (he's not used to affection). He keeps glancing at you, a bit nervous. You kiss him on the cheek and make him super confused, but he liked it. You finish watching the movie together before playing games or something.

Belos/Philip - Belos doesn't really know what a movie is, so you show him. You and him cuddle while watching it. He claims he hates it after watching it but he secretly likes it. He subtly suggests you watch another one and it works. He mostly does this because you will be snuggling with him.

Caleb - Has no clue what a movieis either. He enjoyed the movie and when you cuddled with him.

Raine - They get embarrassed when they try to cuddle with you and stuff. You find this amusing and kiss them, thus making them more flustered. Besides that they thought the movie was good.

Darius - He practically ignores the movie because he thinks it's trash. He tries to convince you to do something else, while trying to flirt with you.

Emira - She'll enjoy the movie but is more interested in you. She tries to kiss you a lot, which makes you flustered. All you were trying to do was watch the movie-

Edric - He genuinely enjoys the movie with you and does try to kiss you like twice. Other than that you both just watched the movie.

Alador - He sits and watches the movie with you, interested. He is completely oblivious to you trying to get something going.

Viney - You guys have a good time watching the movie, making jokes and theories. You love to spend time together. You decide to have movie nights more often.

Collector - He thinks the movie is cool but gets bored and destroys the tv. He wants to play games instead, which you kinda have to do with no tv. Movie night turns into game night.

Vee - You will cuddle together and eat snacks. You enjoy the movie together and occasionally will catch each others' eye and blush, looking away. Camila thinks this is sweet.

Steve - Also enjoys the movie with you. He thinks it was a good movie and he likes to hang out with you a lot. You talk about it for a bit before doing something else, maybe playing a game or going for a late night walk. Who knows.

Boscha - She likes the movie but is more interested in talking with you. She flirts with you a little.

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