Philip x Witch!Reader (R) - Why Is It Always the Barn

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Not a Request!

Story: When a witch explores Old Gravesfield with their friend Evelyn, they stumble across a very interesting human.

Warning: Lime/Slight Lemon 👁

"You're crazy to think this is a good idea," Y/n said to Evelyn while putting on a cloak over their outfit.

"Oh come on, live a little! I've been wanting to see the human realm again. It's been a while since I've been," the other witch smiled. Y/n sighed, putting their hood up.

"Alright, we can go see your weird human boyfriend and you can show me around. But I'd rather not stay for long. Rory will be mad if I'm late for work," they said, referring to their boss.

Evelyn pulled her own hood up. "Don't worry Y/n, you won't miss it!"

The two witches walked to a specific spot in the forest and stopped at a strange archway. Evelyn flew up to the top, and pulled out a vial of titan's blood. She poured the blood onto the center of the arch and it dripped down the edges, forming a portal.

"Woah," Y/n raised an eyebrow. That was actually impressive. Evelyn landed back beside her friend and took their hand.

"Come on! You keep complaining about not having all day, so let's go!" She smiled and began to drag Y/n through the portal. They flinched, expecting something to happen, but the walk through was seamless.

"Oh, huh," they said, looking back at the portal. It disappeared behind the two witches, leaving them standing alone in the green forest.

"Don't worry, we can always reopen the portal when we need to return. There's plenty of titan blood stashed around here. Now I'll show you the way to Gravesfield!" Evelyn explained, beginning to walk forward.

Y/n hesitantly followed, looking around. They had never seen trees that were green. Or green grass. Or peaceful looking flowers. The human realm even smelled nicer.

"This is incredible," they said. It really was. Y/n was starting to see why Evelyn liked this place so much, even though they'd only been there for a minute or so.

Evelyn chuckled. "Told ya. Now be mindful of the people in this town though. They don't really like witches all that much, so try not to do anything strange. That means no spells or talking about the Isles," she said.

"Why didn't you make me aware of that before we left?" They narrowed their eyes. Evelyn just shrugged.

They reached the entrance to the town after a short walk through the woods.  They looked up at a sign that said 'Gravesfield'. Evelyn smiled and they began to walk into town. Y/n was astounded.

There were so many humans bustling through the streets. Round ears, weird hats, old wooden houses and market stands. They wore clothes similar to the witches back home, but a bit more dull and dirty. Not a single magic spell or strange demon in sight.

"This is so strange," they whispered to Evelyn.

"You'll get used to it," the ginger-haired witch replied, smiling at the confusion radiating off of her friend.

Evelyn looked around and recognized the blond hair and brown eyes she knew and loved. She blushed a little and waved to get his attention.

Caleb Wittebane looked up and smiled at seeing the witch, waving back. Evelyn grabbed Y/n's hand again and tugged them along towards the human.

"Hi Caleb!" Evelyn grinned. Y/n rolled their eyes at how flustered she got. The human seemed equally awkward yet excited.

"Evelyn! It's so good to see you, love." He hugged her, even though open affection wasn't common among these people.  "Who's this?"

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