Vampire!Belos x Human!Reader (Romantic)

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Requested by @animepro56


Story: Y/n finds themselves in a predicament with a vampire (Belos) and falls for him.


Y/n had gotten invited to a party that lasted until after midnight. This made them really not want to go. Especially on a blood moon night like this, it would be a bit dangerous to go out so late. Of course, that was the whole point of the Blood Moon Dance. It was literally celebrating the blood moon.

They would normally go to these kinds of parties that went late into the night, but recently there have been sightings of strange unknown beings around the village.

Oh well, what did they have to lose?

Y/n picked out a black and red outfit to suit the theme of the dance, and prepared to go out. They took their phone, a few dollars in cash, a flashlight, a dagger and a handmade wooden stake. This town was known for vampire legends and stories, so most people carried stakes around with them, just to be safe.

As the moon rose into place, Y/n locked their door and walked to their car. Little did they know, this night would indeed get pretty... 'dangerous'.


Y/n arrived at the Blood Moon Dance and got out of their car. So far, nothing strange happened. Their nerves began to ease and they saw their friends.

"Hey Y/n! I'm surprised you came!" Eli said.

"Pff, why? I always come to parties," Y/n shoved him. Savannah laughed.

"I dunno, aren't you usually paranoid about going out on creepy nights-" he raised an eyebrow. Y/n rolled their eyes.

"Yeah, but tonight I decided to come. Now come on, dorks. Let's go," Y/n said. Eli and Savannah followed them inside.

The place the party was at was an old castle, and depsite being almost half a millennium old, it was surprisingly well kept. And because of the big fancy ballroom, they decided to hold the party there everytime there was a blood moon.

They made their way up to the ballroom and awed at the massive room. There was whole tables full of food, dining tables, plenty of dancing space, candles and of course, the gigantic window to view the blood moon. It looked better pretty much every year.

"I'm hitting the snacks right away, have fun," Y/n said and walked off to get some fancy chocolate.

"Okay have fun!" Savannah said. "Now let's go find some hotties for Y/n, Eli-" they smiled. Eli snickered.

Y/n went over to the foods and stared in amazement. There were so many choices.. candy, sodas, wines, mashed potatoes, vegetables, fruits, desserts, meats... their mouth watered. They had to try like everything.

A little while after Y/n began to stuff their face with sweets and other foods, Eli and Savannah ran over. "Y/n, you will not believe it!"

"Let me guess, you found the 'perfect person' for me," Y/n rolled their eyes as they ate sugared donut holes.

"Y/n, this is serious this time! This guy is so hot-" Savannah said.

"He had beautiful hair," Eli continued.

"Icy cold looking eyes."

"Super tall."

"Very fancy looking."

"Oh come on, you do this every year. What makes you think this guy is so perfect?" Y/n ate another donut hole.

Eli and Savannah exchanged a knowing glance. They knew as soon as Y/n saw him, they would fall head over heels.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now