Belos x Wild Witch!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request!


Story: Y/n is a wild witch and finally gets caught. They are taken to Belos, but what happens is not what they expect.


Y/n ran through the forest, panting. They couldn't even stop to catch their breath. Their legs hurt, they were out of breath, and they lost their staff so they couldn't fly away. They'd been running for awhile, and those stupid coven scouts just wouldn't give up.

Y/n had always managed to evade capture and find a place to lay low, but this time was different. They didn't have their staff and they were tired as hell, and the guards were right on their tail so they couldn't stop to take a break or even cast a good spell.

They thought about giving up, just letting them take them away. At least they'd be able to rest for a bit. But they were persistent, and kept running. They barely dodged a giant spider web, jumping through an opening. The scouts got caught in the webbing, slowing them down.

'Yes!' Y/n thought in relief. That should give them a little time to get away. They ventured further into the forest and hid behind a large tree with come coverage. They listened and didn't hear anyone close by. They made the mistake of relaxing, trying to catch their breath.

It was just then, something, or someone kicked them hard in the side, knocking them onto the ground. They gasped and yelped in pain, glaring at the coven guard who'd knocked her down. Some other scouts quickly rushed over and tied them up, depsite their protests.

"Let me go!" Y/n yelled.

"Ha! We finally caught you, you filthy criminal. Let's get back to the castle, the Emperor has been wanting to speak with you. Personally," the Captain said. Y/n gulped.

The coven scouts dragged them back to a carriage and had thrown them in. They made an attempt to struggle at first but gave up quickly. They were just too exhausted. Their legs and feet ached, their throat throbbed from dryness and limited breath from when they had ran. They just accepted their defeat to take a moment's rest.


Soon they were woken up by a coven guard dragging them out of the carriage and shoving them along. They remembered they were going to speak with Belos himself.

It.. didn't make much sense to them. They usually just put wild witches in the Conformatorium until judgement or coven branding. What was so special about them they had to speak to the Emperor?

They were pushed down many halls and up flights of stairs. Too much gold, it hurt their eyes. At least there was a bit of white so it wasn't all just gold. They saw some mosaics and paintings of Belos, none without his mask.  They always wondered what he looked like without his mask. Probably old, he's been in reign for almost 50 years, he's got to be like super old.

They finally reached the throne room. There were a lot of pipes leading into the room.

'I wonder what all of those are for-' they thought as they looked up at all of the pipes. The throne room doors opened and Y/n returned their attention to the room and people before them.

The first thing they saw was the giant beating heart, or whatever. It was really creepy. Was that supposed to be like the heart of the Titan or whatever? Why was it still beating-

They were shoved into the throne room. There sat the Emperor on his throne, Kikimora, his assistant, the Golden Guard and Lilith Clawthorne, the head of the Emperor's Coven stood by his side. Y/n tried not to show signs of fear. The Emperor said nothing as he observed them.

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