Luz x Siren!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request! Part 1?


Story: Luz goes to the Boiling Isles and meets a siren (Y/n) while visiting the beach.


Luz sighed. She was extremely bored. Eda walked into the room and looked down at the human.

"Why do you look so sad?" She asked, sipping some apple blood.

"I'm just so bored. I usually love being on the Isles and going on adventures, but today Willow is on a vacation, Gus is sick, and Amity is busy doing work at the library."

Eda thought for a moment. "Why don't we go hang out by the beach?"

"There's a beach?!" Luz sat up and smiled.

"Well, yeah. We're on a giant island surrounded by water-" Eda shrugged.

"Yes! I'd love to go to the beach-" the human got up. "Wait, isn't the water boiling?" She asked.

"Only in some parts of the ocean. Others have cooler temperatures. I know one of those spots."

"Did someone say we're going to the beach?" King poked his head into the room.

"Yeah, you coming?" Luz asked.

"Duh, I love the beach! I shall rule it-" King schemed and giggled, running off to find a towel and stuff.

"Woo! I'm gonna go get a swimsuit and stuff-" Luz ran out of the room.

"Can I come too-" Hooty swung open the door.

"Yes." Eda rolled her eyes.

"Hooray!" Hooty began to detach himself from the door. Eda looked away, shuddering.


The beach was empty, it was just Luz, King, Eda and Hooty. Luz grinned, excited. She put down her stuff and ran for the water. It'd been a while since she swam, so this would be fun. She tested the water, just to be safe. Sure enough, it was only a bit warm.

"Yes!" She jumped in.

"Ugh, there are no subjects to rule over here! What gives?" King crossed his arms and kicked some sand.

"Why don't you build a sand castle or something? You know, since you're a king-" Eda suggested. "Hooty can be one of your faithful subjects."

"Yeah!" The owl tube hooted.

"Yes! Perfect plan-" King ran over to a clearer area and began to build a sand castle.

Meanwhile, Luz was having plenty of fun in the water. She had an idea. King was building a sand castle, so she could be like a sea monster trying to attack after he was finished. She would obviously let him win.

Suddenly Luz heard a splash from behind her. She turned, but didn't see anyone or anything. She wanted to ignore it, but this WAS the Boiling Isles, so it could have been anything. Luz turned around again, being mindful of her surroundings. She continued to watch King and Hooty build a castle, but she felt something brush against her leg.

She looked around, a bit concerned now. The human looked around and saw what looked to be a normal human or witch, but with fins and a tail. She gasped. The creature panicked and disappeared under the water.

"Wait!" Luz swam towards where she had seen it, but it wasn't there. She looked around. She then held her breath and went under water, looking for any sign of whatever it was. There was no trace of it. She resurfaced and sighed. Maybe it would come back later.


Luz emerged from the water after they had finished the sand castle.

"AUGGHHH! I'M A SEA MONSTER HERE TO CONQUER YOUR CASTLE!" She waved her arms. King gasped, playing along with her.

"Oh dear! I'm being attacked! Guardian Hooty, defend your ruler!" King pointed at Luz.

Hooty rose up from out of the sand. "Yes sir!" He went for Luz, and the human dodged him, lightly karate chopping the tube in the neck.

Hooty made choking noises and flopped to the ground. "HOOT! I HAVE PERISHED-" he slipped back under the sand. Luz tried not to laugh.

"No, Hooty!" King pretended to grieve. "You shall pay for your crimes!" He yelled at Luz.

"Try and stop me!" Luz began to run. King hopped off the top of his sand castle and chased the human. He leapt at her and pushed her. It wouldn't have really been enough to make Luz fall, but she went with it and toppled to the ground.

"Oh great King, you have defeated me!" She cried.

"Yes! Haha!" King cheered. Eda watched them and laughed. Luz smiled and looked up. That's when she saw the strange creature in the water again. It noticed her and dipped back into the water, but only enough so it could still watch her. King got off of Luz and the human stood up.

"What are you?" Luz pondered and slowly walked closer to the water. She decided to go on the dock instead of in the ocean. It watched her every move.

When Luz got to the edge of the dock, she knelt down and looked at the creature curiously.

"Uhh, hello!" She waved a little. It rose up out of the water a bit and blinked.

"Hey.." it said, uncertain.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you- what are you?" Luz asked, tilting her head.

"I'm a siren." They swam forward and leaned on the dock. "What are you? You don't look like a witch.."

"I'm a human. I'm from another world. I kinda just found this place and I've been staying here, training to become a witch. I'm Luz, by the way."

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you, human Luz," they said.

After that, they talked for a bit. Y/n had been lost, and they couldn't find their family, so they had been living near the beach for awhile. Luz told them about what it was like on land, and of her adventures in her training.

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" Y/n said.

"Yeah. Say, don't sirens usually try to lure people into deadly traps by singing?" Luz asked.

"Some of us do, but a majority of us think there isn't any point in it, and that it's cruel."

"Huh, interesting," Luz said.

"Luz! It's getting late, we should start heading back!" Eda called.

"Aww-" Luz frowned.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again!" Y/n said.

Luz took Y/n's hands in hers. "I'll make sure we will. And if you ever need help finding your family, just tell me. I'd love to help-"

A light blush appeared on the siren's face and they smiled. "I'd like that-" they nodded.

"See you, Y/n!" Luz got out of the water and ran to Eda and the others. Y/n waved before disappearing underwater again.

"Who was that?" Eda asked.

"A siren. They were nice-" Luz simply said. Eda shrugged and took off.


A/N: This one was fun to write. Might make a part 2, if I get time. Hope you enjoyed!

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