Hunter x Student!Reader (Romantic)

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Story: Hunter makes a friend while going undercover at Hexside.


Hunter looked around Hexside, scanning everyone's faces. He didn't know any of these kids, and he hoped he didn't have to, really. He just had to focus on finding the human and getting intel.

Flapjack tweeted from under his cowel.

"Shh!" Hunter hissed at the bird. "I don't want anyone to know what we're here for-"

He walked around, keeping his eyes peeled for the human or any of her trouble-making friends. He was so focused on finding her he didn't see another student walk right in front of him, and he ran into them.

"Ack- watch where you're going!" The student narrowed their eyes, fumbling to hold onto the large amount of books they were carrying.

'Wow, rude-' Hunter thought. The student continued to walk and he noticed they were struggling to carry everything.

"Uhh, do you need help?" He asked them.

"No thank you, I got it-" they insisted before dropping a few books. Hunter rolled his eyes and took that as a yes. They were in the potions track, which was what his disguise was. Why would potions need this many books?

He picked up the ones they dropped and took some more off of their pile. They eyed him suspiciously before continuing to walk. Hunter followed them.

"Why do you need so many books anyways?" He asked them.

"My parents make me study a lot, so they got me all of these to use."

"Wow, that's a lot of studying-" he commented.

"Who even are you? How come I've never seen you before-" they questioned, looking him up and down.

"I'm uh-" he tried to think of a name. Flapjack chirped a name from under his cowel. "Caleb! My name is Caleb. I just transferred from uh, Saint Epiderm?" He tried.

"Uh huh.." they didn't believe him, but went with it. "I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you. Now where are we going with these books?"

"I got permission to take them to the library to study. I don't have another scheduled class for the next two periods-" they said.

"Oh. I haven't been to the library here. Is it cool?"

"I mean yeah, I guess-" Y/n shrugged.

"Is it weird that I actually like to read?"

"Nah, I like reading. Only when it's not about like, math, though-" they held up a math textbook.

"Heh, yeah-" Hunter nodded. "What kind of books do you like?"

"I like fantasy stuff, either that or stuff about animals. You?" They asked as they turned a corner down the hall.

"Well I like reading about a lot of stuff. The savage ages, mindscapes, wild magic- oh, but don't tell anyone I said that!" He said.

"Interesting. What stuff did you learn? I've always wanted to learn about the mind."

"Oh, it's crazy. For one, if you enter a person's mind, you can see and enter their memories. It's like portraits, paintings, all that stuff. Mindscapes reflect the individual. Some might have trees, some might have windows ot something. Maybe a hallway-" he continued to tell them about the stuff he learned. He was so focused on Y/n he didn't even notice he walked right past the human and her friends.

"Uhh. Was that Hunter?" Luz watched him walk by, talking to Y/n about something and carrying books in a Hexside uniform.

"I think so-" Amity narrowed her eyes.

"What the heck is he doing here?" Gus asked.

"Beats me-" Luz shrugged. "As long as he isn't bothering us-"

Y/n and Hunter went to the library. They sat down at one of the tables and set down the books.

"Thanks for helping me with these. You're free to go back if you want. I need to study, anyways."

"Uhh, actually, I don't have any scheduled classes right now either. I could stay and we can talk.. and maybe I can help you study?" He suggested.

"Sure, that'd be fun," they nodded.


"Shoot, it's getting late-" Y/n saw the time. "I need to get home-"

"Oh, yeah, me too-" Hunter nodded. "Do you need help getting these books home?" He asked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice of you." They smiled.

So he helped Y/n take their extreme amount of books home. They stopped at the front door.

"Thank's for helping me today. With the books, and studying- all that. You're pretty cool, Caleb."

"Hunter-" he blurted.

"Huh?" Y/n raised an eyebrow in question.

"My real name is Hunter. I'm uh, actually the Golden Guard-" he admitted. "I was supposed to be going undercover at Hexside, but I guessed I got a little sidetracked-" he blushed out of embarrassment.

"Woah, dude. That's actually cool."


"I mean, yeah. Who gets to hang out with the head of the Emperor's Coven everyday-" they laughed. "But seriously, you're a really nice guy. Will I see you again?"

"Considering I didn't complete my mission, probably."

"Heh, okay. Well, I can take those books from here. And thanks again-" they kissed him on the cheek. His face and ears turned red, and he froze out of shock. Y/n snorted and took the books from him.

"Bye Hunter!" They said and went into their house.

"Wh-" Hunter blinked, confused. Did they just kiss him? And did he just make a friend/crush? Today was a long day.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, folks.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now