Collector x Human!Reader (Romantic or Platonic) Part 1

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Not a Request!

A/N: Guys I am so sorry I've been like dead forever. Sorry this isn't anyone's request but I've been unmotivated and had writer's block for the longest time, but I decided try again, starting with my favorite character, the Collector! Enjoy!


Story: Y/n stumbles upon a weird glass disc and meets their future partner in crime.

PS: If Belos never found Collector and it was just laying somewhere-


This is where the rumors started. A strange legend told by many witches and demons, books and scrolls. It all connected to this place, near the Titan's skull. Y/n had first heard about this about a month ago and decided to research on it.

They had found that people had seen some kind of black and grey entity, out of nowhere it would appear. It could transform it's shape and size ease, and would always ask the same thing:

"Do you want to play a game?"

So this was it. Y/n had found it all by themself. They had originally asked Eda for help, but she said no and that they shouldn't meddle with something so mysterious, which was very odd for the Owl Lady. They were sure that Eda would be all for this expedition,  but they supposed there were some limits, even for great adventurers.

Y/n cautiously entered the area. Though they had no natural magic, they could feel the strong cosmic energy in the air.

They took a glyph out of their pocket, wondering if they had possibly made a mistake coming here. This could be dangerous...

No, you're strong. Whatever you're about to face, there is no going back now.

Just then, interrupting their thoughts, Y/n tripped over something. They sat up and looked at the object that made them fall. It looked like some kind of weird glass disc.. that was random.



Y/n screamed at the sudden loud greeting in their ear.

"Sheesh, why do people always do that? Hurts my ears, y'know?" The voice said in an annoyed tone.

"Wh-" they looked around before their eyes finally landed on the figure on the ground. It was just as people described, a black and grey shadow... thing.

"What are you?" They asked suddenly.

"Not even a hello? You people are so rude.... anyways- I'm the Collector!"


"I collect things..?? Duh???" He raised an eyebrow.

Ah. Right. Collector. Y/n was not thinking properly right now. This was the thing everyone was so scared of? And it was being so... casual?

"I'm more interested in playing games though than what I'm meant to do. Collecting stuff is boring. Unless it's toys, then I'll take those," Collector said.

"Do these games um... involve murder?" Y/n asked nervously.

"Wha- no! I may play a bit rough but I'm not THAT mean-" Collector scoffed.

Well thank Titan for that. The Collector wasn't a murderer. Probably.

"So what kind of games then?"

"I dunno, pretty much anything really," he shrugged.

"Do you mind if I keep asking questions..?" Y/n asked. They didn't want to seem rude and annoy Collector.


"How.. how long have you been here?" They crossed their legs and leaned back on their hands.

"Uhhh, I don't actually know. A really long time, that's for sure," Collector said.

"Has anyone ever talked to you?"

"Nope. Just screaming. You're the first to actually sit down and talk to me since I got stuck here, really."

"Well I technically fell down.."

Collector laughed. "True, true."

"But jokes aside, what do you mean by 'Got stuck here'?" Y/n asked after they stopped laughing.

"Well, you know the Titan? Like, the thing you're sitting on right now?"


"Him. He put me in-" he gestured to the disc, "-that thing."

"Woah. That's... giving me mixed feelings."

"Yeah, now only Titan's blood or an actual titan can free me. But the blood is rare and I don't think there are any more titans left, soooo-" he shrugged.

"Yikes. Sounds like an interesting yet difficult task," Y/n commented

"Yeah..." Collector sighed

"Maybe just the adventure for me."

Collector looked up. "You would try to free me? Really?"

Y/n nodded and tilted their head, "I mean, yeah. I came all the way out here to find you, might as well try to help out."

"You came here to find me? Why?"

"I wanted to see what everyone was so scared about. Usually what people tend to be freaked out by isn't what they think it is. And hey, look how it went. We're kind of friends already," they explained.

Collector brightened. "We're friends? OH YAY! YES YES YES! I HAVE A FRIEND! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" He started practically bouncing off every surface around, or well technically.

Y/n smiled. They'd never seen anyone so excited to be their friend. It was kind of nice to know someone actually cared. Probably even more nice for him, considering how long he was alone for.

"Alright, bud. Let's get you back to the Owl House and we can start to prepare for the quest."

"Yeah! Bestie quest! This is gonna be so fun! Maybe we can even make it like a game!" Collector exclaimed.

"I don't see why not," Y/n smiled. Collector cheered.

"And Y/n, thank you for listening-" Collector said.

"No problem, Collector."


A/n: THIS WILL BE CONTINUED! Honestly way to good of an idea to be left at one part. Hope you enjoyed, and see you again soon I hope!

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now