A/N: E

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd just check in to let you all know I'm not dead lol

Things have been a bit wild lately so I'll just start with-

Happy late Halloween! I was planning to post on actual Halloween but I was busy that day so it was tight, and then I had a dentist appointment one Tuesday so that wasn't going to work either. Then I just totally forgot on the other two days lol. So happy late Halloween guys! Hope you all had fun and got some candy 🎃🍫🍭

Also another exciting thing is happening soon! Monday is my birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm so excited! Of course it sucks it's on a Monday but eh whatever I suppose. I always say if you don't know when my birthday is, just remember it's exactly one week after Halloween!

And a few new updates on my crush-

So I'm in my highschool play, and he's coming to watch on the Saturday night show! I'm a bit nervous for that but I think it'll be okay. I have all of my lines memorized already-

Two, my friend offered to help me talk to him soon! She knows him more than I do so she offered to help me join a conversation with him.

And three, two nights in a row I've had dreams about him. Could that be a sign from the universe that things are finally turning around? 👀 What do you guys think?

P.S: Thank you all for the support! I love reading your crazy comments and stuff. I should hopefully have another oneshot up soon! Catch y'all later and have a good day/night!

 I should hopefully have another oneshot up soon! Catch y'all later and have a good day/night!

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The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now