Collector x Mortal!Reader (R or P) - Playtime is Over

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Not a Request!

A/N: I know you guys love Collector, but I didn't want you to get bored with all the oneshots of him but I just HAD to do this idea when it came into my head. Also, from now on I will be using R and P for Romantic and Platonic.

Just R - Romantic
Just P - Platonic
Both (R or P)(P or R) - Romantic or Platonic

Story: Do you ever wonder why the Collector hates the rules of his species so much? Here's just that.

Collector was on his first watch mission. He was to observe a planet called Znather and begin to collect beings. This was under the authority of Entity Kosma, one the the collectors who created him. After millennias of simply watching the Entities work, they finally agreed he was ready to observe.

After another eon or so they would make him an Entity, a powerful deity that would observe over planets and universes. He would even get his own name, like Entities Kosma, Nyx, Evren and Ananth. Every training collector simply held the title 'Collector' until they achieved their entity name.

Collector also suspected they sent him off to observe because the other three entities suspected that Entity Nyx was not fulfilling the collectors' code:

Collectors live long, we watch things pass.
To observe, to preserve, we must amass.
What flies, what swims, be it it predator, or prey, seal them up, so that they never fade.
But if they should meddle in our affairs, we'll clean the planet, and scorch the air.

Collector watched the simple-minded mortals go about their lives. Every now and then, he would find a poor animal or inhabitant struggling, so he helped them out and sealed them away so they wouldn't die.

A couple centuries went by, and Collector was getting EXTREMELY bored. Like seriously bored. He wondered what was going on with the Entities. Not long ago he had felt a strange sense of sadness pass by temporarily before going away.

Anyways, all Collector did was watch the mortals and seal away the poor souls that were fleeting away. He groaned and pulled out the collectors' storybook and began to read. That stupid code was so messed up. They really had no other purpose than to collect beings? It was sooooooo boooooooorrrrriiiiiinnnnggg.

Then came along something, or someone interesting. A little mortal child, playing games and getting into trouble unsupervised. Now this was how Collector wanted to be living. Not giving a shooting star fudge about the rules and restraints he was supposed to abide by.

He wanted to be like this kid, having fun and making friends! After a few short years passed by he couldn't take it anymore. Rules be darned, who would know anyways?

Collector made himself a physical body and made his way down to the kid's home. He peered in the window. Well, they weren't really a kid anymore. More like a 'teenager' or whatever they called these types of mortals. They told their parent they were going to go explore in the woods. Their parent nodded and told them to be safe.

Then the young mortal dashed out of their home and into the woods behind the village. Collector followed, floating by the trees and flowers. He had never been on an actual planet or smelled things or even touched things. This is what they had been missing for the past tons of millenias? It was... amazing!

Collector saw the teenager petting a wild creature before it scampered off. As if somehow having insanely good hearing or something, they whipped around with a stick that just came out of nowhere.

"Show yourself!" They said.

Collector took a deep breath. First actual interaction with a mortal, be cool. He came out from behind a tree.

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now