Amity x Grimwalker!Reader (R) - Safe and Sound

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Not a Request!

A/N: Sorry I'm updating late! I've been super busy these past few weeks but once summer rolls around I should have a lot more time to write some more oneshots and finish all of your requests. Enjoy!

Story: Y/n has nightmares about their past lives and Belos. Amity comforts them.

O/N - Original Person's Name
G/N - Grimwalker Name
Y/N - Your Name

"Belos? Permission to speak freely" G/N asked their uncle as they walked through the forest towards another town.

"Granted," the older man replied.

They rubbed the back of their neck. "I've been wondering. Why are we doing this? And how exactly do you talk to the Titan?"

"G/N, you know I'm trying to help people."

"Yes, but... the way you hurt people and steal from them... it doesn't feel right," they explained to Belos.

"Oh you poor soul. This is for the greater good. Please just don't ask those questions anymore and follow my lead. Uncle knows best."
The man tried to put a hand on G/N's shoulder, but they flinched away.

"I can't do this anymore! We're hurting innocent witches by lying to them! You can't really talk to the Titan, can you? It's all a big lie just so you can take what you want!" G/N yelled.

Belos scoffed. "And once again, I am betrayed. You're all the same."

"What's that supposed to mean?" They questioned. Belos' arm began to turn to the goopy green form that took hold when his "curse" acted up.

"Do me a favor will you?"

G/N cocked their head to the side, confused.

"Allow me to call you O/N."

"What? Why-" G/N began but the goopy arm lunged forward and pierced through their heart.


Y/n woke up gasping for breath, sweat rolling down their face. They felt the tears rushing forwards already. The nightmare was over but it still hurt.

They buried their face in their hands, choking on silent sobs and cries. They were in the human realm right now, along with the rest of the owl gang. Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter. And them...

They were sleeping on the floor of Luz' room, alongside Amity and Willow, while Luz and Vee took the bunk beds. Y/n got up and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door behind them.

Y/n stared at themself in the mirror, a flash of the dead grimwalker they just remembered. They were used to this by now. It's been happening for months. Hunter was also a grimwalker, and he had similar experiences but his were less aggravating.

Meanwhile everyone else had their own things going on. Luz was dealing with the fact that she helped Belos find the Collector, even though both Y/n and Hunter claimed it wasn't her fault.

Luz was also struggling to find the words for Amity. Luz had a major crush on the witch, but had never spoken up about it. And what Y/n didn't know, was that Luz was sure that Amity liked them, and not her.

Willow and Amity themselves were missing their dads. Amity worried for Alador and her siblings, hoping they were safe in the Demon Realm. Willow was scared, even though she tried not to show it. She wished her were back home with her dads.

Gus was also missing his dad, and sometimes Mattholomule. (unbeknownst to him at the time, his first name was actually Matt and last name was Tholomule.)

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now