Boscha x Witch!Reader (Romantic)

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Requested by @NotSoAverageAuthor

A/N: Another short one, sorry. Trying to get these done within a class period lol.


Story: Boscha and Y/n have fun out in town.


Y/n was bored. Extremely. Bored. They groaned and rolled over on their bed, scrolling through Pentsagram. What to do, what to do...

They wondered if Boscha, their girlfriend was free. Y/n opened their messages and texted Boscha.

♤RadWitch♤: Yo Bo, what's up?


WitchesGetBitches<3: heyy sweetiee

♤RadWitch♤: Hii you busy?

WitchesGetBitches<3: Nope. Why?

♤RadWitch♤: Wanna hang out?

WitchesGetBitches<3 is typing...

Y/n sighed. Where would they even go? They'd been almost everywhere in Bonesborough at least every month or so.

WitchesGetBitches<3: Sure bae, lemme get ready. Where we goin?



"The library? Borrinngggg-" Boscha said.

"Aw come on, Bo. We can have some fun here!" Y/n insisted.

"Whatever. Let's just find a spot to sit," she said. Y/n followed.

They picked a table to sit at. Y/n set their bag down. "I still don't see how this is fun, hun," Boscha leaned on her hand.

"Aw, give it a chance. There's a lot to do here. We could find a stupid book to read and laugh at it, trick people by moving books around.."

"I guess."

"Come on-" Y/n grabbed their girlfriend's hand and dragged her through the bookcases. They saw someone trying to reach a book.

"Hey what's that!" Y/n pointed past the witch. While they looked in that direction, Y/n used their magic to put the book up higher. Then they dragged Bo around the corner.

The witch looked back and saw the book on the top shelf. "Aw.."

"That was pretty funny," Bo smiled.

"Told ya! Come on, your turn!" Y/n said and grabbed her hand to find another poor witch or demon.


A/N: Sorry it's short y'all. I'll try to do another one tonight after I finish my homework. Hope you enjoyed! See you next time.

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