Emira/Edric x Golden Guard!Reader (Romantic)

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Not a Request!


Story: Y/n is Hunter's sibling. While discussing things with the Blights, they meet Emira, Edric and Amity.

This takes place after Hunting Palismen, but before Eclipse Lake.


"Ugh, do we really have to talk to OdAlIa-" Y/n whined.

"Sadly yes, we have to get more Abomatons for Uncle," Hunter said while putting on his cape and mask.

"Ugh, I hate those things. They're creepy and weird-"

"Scared of a few abominations?" Hunter teased.

Y/n scoffed. "No. It's just that Bpight makes them with machinery. You don't do that to abominations-"

"Whatever. Let's just go-" Hunter grabbed his artificial staff. The little red cardinal flew up on his shoulder.

"Hey, get outta here-" he tried to shrug the bird off. Y/n giggled.

"Scared of a bird?" They mocked. Hunter scowled.

"Shut it. Let's go," he said.


They flew over to the Blight mansion. Odalia greeted them at the door.

"Hello Golden Guards. Welcome, now let's get to business-" she gestured for them to enter the house. Y/n rolled their eyes under their mask. She was so annoying.

The two walked inside and sat down on the couch. Odalia poured some tea.

"Would you like some tea?" She asked.

"Sure-" Hunter took a cup.

"No thanks, I'm fine," Y/n pushed the tea away when Odalia offered it to them. It was probably drugged or something.

Alador stood next to his wife and yawned as she yammered on about the deal with the abomatons.

'He gets it,' Y/n thought. They looked around, ignoring everything that garbage haired rat was saying. They noticed someone spying on them. A girl, green hair. It was one of the Blight kids.

Y/n waved a little to her. She waved back before disappearing around the corner.

'Weird,' they thought. Y/n leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. They didn't want to be there. At all. They looked back at where they saw the Blight girl and saw her again, except she wasn't alone. There was a boy there, with similar features as her. They were clearly twins. There was also a younger looking girl, lavender hair and the same bright yellow eyes as her father and siblings.

This got Y/n curious. They wanted to know more about these kids. The twins looked about their age.

"Excuse me a moment," they said to the others. The three kids quickly disappeared around the corner as Y/n approached them. They were very unreliable when it came to tasks that didn't involve action. They got distracted easily.

"Hey-" Y/n said when they turned the corner.

"Hi. You're the Golden Guard? Well, one of them-" the boy asked.

"Yeah. Just call me Y/n."

"I'm Emira," the older girl introduced. "This is Edric, my twin-" she gestured to her brother. "And Amity, our younger sibling-" she ruffled the younger girl's hair. Amity groaned and pushed her sister's hand away.

"What are you guys doing here? And have you ever sneezed with your mask on?" Edric asked.

"We're buying more of your parents' abomatons for the Emperor. Also, uhh, maybe?" They shrugged.

"Gross-" Edric said.

"Why does the Emperor even need the abomatons?" Amity raised an eyebrow.

"That's classified." They crossed their arms.

"Boo. Secret stuff is boring-" Emira scoffed. "Tell us some Coven secrets! What goes on at the castle?"

"Well.." Y/n knew they shouldn't. But what could a little talk hurt? Coven scouts and guards always gossiped. Even other Coven Heads.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private," they said.

The three siblings looked at each other. Emira gestured for Y/n to follow them. They went to the twins' bedroom.

Y/n took off their mask when they got in there. Amity blinked in surprise. Edric gasped a little and cracked a grin. Emira's eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow, interested.

"Do I look that bad?" Y/n chuckled.

"No, you look good-" Emira looked them up and down. "Very interesting."

"Alright, what kind of stuff do you wanna know?"

"Are you sure you should even be telling us this stuff?" Edric asked. "I mean, aren't you one of the top notch coven official?"

"I mean, yeah, but everyone at the castle gossips and stuff. This isn't much different."

"What does Belos look like? Everyone is always wondering what he looks like-" Amity asked. "Is he really scarred from wild magic?"

"Is he handsome?" Edric asked.

"Or is he old and gross?" Emira added.

Y/n laughed. "I'm not supposed to show you that, but whatever-" they pulled out a picture and handed it to them.

"I mean, he's not terrible-" Edric shrugged.

"Kinda crusty though-" Amity squinted.

Y/n burst out laughing. "He would kill you if he heard you say that. Heck, he would kill me if he ever finds out I showed you his face."

"Are you really related to this guy?" Emira questioned.

"Wait, how did you know that?" They narrowed their eyes.

"So yes?" Edric asked.

Y/n crossed their arms and nodded. "Yeah, he's my uncle. And the other Golden Guard's too."

"Wow, you do not have his genetics-" Emira commented. "You look amazing compared to him."

Y/n blushed a little and giggled. "Thanks. I don't get compliments like that often."

"Do you ever?" Amity asked.

They didn't answer.

"Y/n?" Hunter looked into the room. "What are you doing- we gotta get those abomatons back to the castle."

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming-" they rolled their eyes. Hunter left the room.

"See you around?" Emira asked.

They shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Who knows-" they followed their brother.

The three watched them leave.

"Bro. Did you see them? They looked so cool-" Edric said.

"Yeah, very interesting," Emira nodded.

"I'm more concerned about the fact that their related to Belos," Amity said.

"Eh who cares. I just wanna see if I can spark a date-" Emira schemed. "They're my age, so I have a chance."

"You mean OUR age." Edric crossed his arms.

"Oh no," Amity face-palmed. She knew where this was going. They were going to fight over Y/n. They fought over all of their crushes.


"What was up with the Blight kids?" Hunter asked his sibling.

Y/n shrugged. "We were just talking." They narrowed their eyes, zoning out for a minute.

"What?" Hunter questioned.

"Why do I have a feeling those twins are fighting over me?"

He shrugged.


A/N: You can decide who dates you lol. Hope you enjoyed!

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